NEXT UP- Our Summer Social, next Tuesday, August 1. Starts at 5:30 PM at Vitense GolfLand, corner of Schroeder Rd. and Whitney Way. There are signs on the corner, and the driveway entrance is just a short distance (100 ft. more or less) from the intersection. If you're going west on Schroeder, which is likely, you have to turn across the yellow marking on the pavement to get to it.
We will meet in the Event Room, and the Club is providing hors d'oeuvres to munch on. The cash bar is just a few steps away. Lots of good Lion conversation with friends, and the only formal item we know of is the conclusion of our Summer Raffle with a drawing for the winners. There may or may not be raffle tickets left for purchase prior to the drawing. We'd like to see everybody there, with spouse/significant other, or a guest. Or both.
There will be no noon meeting next Tuesday.
At our last meeting, Pres. KEVIN GOKE opened the proceedings with a light touch on the bell. JODI BURMESTER, our newly elected District Governor, introduced our guests, Stacey Mohr, a new staffer at the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, and 2nd Vice District Governor CONRAD DRYER.
SCOTT GROVER reminded us that “Stuff The Bus” is scheduled for August 12, at three Madison Hy Vee locations. Help is needed - sign up online.
LINDA BERGREN announced the Summer Social, as detailed above. She'd like everyone there, with a guest. She also reminded us of the Summer Raffle now in progress. Tickets $10, each, 3 for $25. Winners get some awesome athletic event tickets. Contact Linda (immediately) if you haven't picked up your tickets.
DALE and JODI BURMESTER commented on their experiences at the International Convention in Chicago. As always, a magnificent event, and you can't help being impressed at the power and dedication of so many Lions. DALE said the Parade, with 160 units, was an outstanding event. JODI commented that there was great music at many of the events. CONNIE LECLEIR-MEYER of Mondovi was elected to the usual two-year term as International Director.
JODI also reported that the Winners Circle Lions Club was doing well, with a successful cleanup project at Olin Park and money raised for donations of $250 to LCIF and $250 to WLF.
The speaker came next, and JODI introduced Lion 2nd Vice District Governor CONRAD DRYER. With 52 Clubs in our District, annual visitations have really clogged the DG's schedule and added greatly to their workload, so the process has been revised to include the two Vice DGs in the role of official visitor. Makes it easier for the DG to do all that needs doing, and gives the Clubs more opportunities to meet the District Officers and vice versa. With the start of each Lion year, there is a lot of information to get out to the Clubs, and this way it arrives sooner. It used to take the DG several months to get all the visits in, and it doesn't do much for the International President's agenda and items of emphasis for the year if some Lions don't get the word until December.
VDG DREYER started out by thanking our Club “for all you do.” This year's slogan is “The Power of We.” Among other things “we” in our District collected 65,000 pair of eyeglasses last year, and it has been calculated that we served 500-600,00 people, in various ways through 2700 activities. This year's focus will be on Diabetes Awareness. Goals include gaining 100 new members, focusing on service, having fun at/with Lions (TailTwister's ears perked up at that one), recognizing people for what they do, and membership retention.