Next Meeting - May 2, 2017 , Tuesday noon, at the Coliseum Bar & Restaurant, as usual. It's a business meeting, and the biggest current item of business for us is the Flower Sale, just completed. We should hear how it all came out, at least as far as sales and delivery went. There's always the matter of collections and it's pretty early to talk about that, but if you happen to have some money in hand, bring it to the meeting and turn it in. There aren't likely to be any leftover bouquets available but there might still be a nut or two from the Holiday Treats. Some things, at least, you can rely on. We'll talk about what May might have in store for us. Expect the usual fellowship, as well.
The Editor missed the last meeting, so what follows is the work of Ace Reporter and Man For All Seasons SCOTT GROVER. He outdid himself this last time, since he did the usual setup before the meeting and takedown after it, but also did everything else but play the banjo, dance, and prepare the food:
“Our April 18 meeting happened sans a President or a Vice-President (sometimes, work just gets in the way). Treasurer SCOTT commandeered the meeting, and apologized for the absence of a program speaker - he forgot to remind the program-coordinator-of-the-month (no names, please). He asked MELISSA to give a quick rundown on the preparations for Flower Delivery Day, on Monday, April 24. MELISSA told us that she could accept orders as late as Friday, but no later. She also reported that orders are down. Delivery Day will start with the arrival of the flowers at the Coliseum Bar (we're really fortunate to have such good support) at 7:00am, and she encouraged everyone to assist.
GAIL gave a quick report of the recent Cycle for Sight. She said there were lots of teams registered, including our own MCLC team. Over $51,000 was pledged, and will go toward funding more research by the McBurney Eye Research Institute.
LINDA suggested that we resurrect a purely social event for the summer. We've done that in the past, but it's been several years. Could be a picnic, or pre-dinner cocktails, but would not involve project work or selling something. If you have thoughts about this, please speak up.”
One added thought - there is a statewide Eyeglass Collection drive going on. If you have any donated eyeglasses sitting around, rout them out and bring them to the next meeting, so we can get them included.