Next Meeting - November 15, Tuesday noon, at the Coliseum Bar & Restaurant, as usual. This is our usual Program Meeting, and KEVIN OLSEN is the Program Host. Plan is for him to introduce his Parks Dept. colleague, Staci Tracey, who will tell us about the “Adopt A Park” program.
We have lost two members of our extended MCLC family in recent days. As noted in the last Tale, ROSS ROYSTER's spouse Roxy passed away about two weeks ago, and the services were held at the same time as our last meeting. About the same time, LINDA BERGREN's mother passed away, and the services were on the same day. Our sympathy is extended to them both, and we hope to have them back at Lions meetings soon.
Minus those two stalwarts, we had 9 Lions at the last meeting, run without formalities by Pres. MIKE. We did have one guest, Zone Chair CONRAD DRYER, who took note of our successful service projects in the first quarter of this year - our Bags Tournament, Stuff The Bus (with school supplies), and the delivery of a bunch of eyeglasses to kick off the Centennial Challenge collection. Goal for the state is 100,000 pair of used eyeglasses, and we are half way there already. He also noted that the Zone is looking for candidates for his job, Zone Chair, for the next several years. If you'd like to experience the next level of Lionism, here's your chance!
It was noted that our sets of Bags Tournament boards have been completed and are available “for rent” by other groups that might want to have a similar even. A lot of work went into them and they are well done. See KEVIN OLSEN or JOHN JENSON for details.
JOHN JENSON said there would be a bus going to Chicago for the International Parade. He also pointed out that early registration would save money, because the current rates increase in January. That started a run of conversation on reminiscences from past International Conventions, which prompted Pres. MIKE to ring he bell to formally end the meeting. He left us to reminisce on our own time. The Editor has been to two International Conventions, and it was well worth the effort and cost both times. There are all sort of meetings and events to go to that are fun or enlightening, sometimes both. It is also fun to watch this huge event run, with all the meetings, venues, the shuttle busses, the Parade, pin trading,entertainment, etc. all planned and run by some very competent volunteers. You also get to meet people from all over the world, literally, brought there by the dedication to the service of others. Having it as close as Chicago is a rare opportunity.