Next Meeting - Tuesday, October 18, at noon, at the Coliseum Restaurant and Bar. Our Program Meeting for October, and Program Host LINDA BERGREN will introduce Mike George. He will tell us about SCORE - its' mission, vision and values. SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, and we think the letters originally stood for Service Corps Of Retired Executives, or something like that. Maybe that's one of the things we'll find out!
At our last meeting, Pres. MIKE didn't need the bell, since all 7 of us were at the same table, so he just harrumphed slightly, and started in. A copy of the District Calendar was passed around so those present would know what meetings/events were scheduled, and the date. Among the projects listed was our Highway Cleaning, set for the morning of Oct. 22. That's next Saturday, the Badgers are at Iowa, and we need more help! SCOTT GROVER (Man In Charge of Damn Near Everything) can tell you where to be and what to bring. Rumor has always been that you could resupply your stock of golf balls during this project, but it is the “hands on, visible, community service” project Lions are always looking for. Say you'll be there!
Our Holiday Treat Sale is underway, but Chairperson LINDA says you wouldn't know it from the amount of orders coming in! For inventory management, she HAS TO KNOW by the end of October what should be ordered. Order Forms are available at meetings and on the website, so let's get with the program! More Lions selling and putting in orders are needed to keep this fund-raiser going.
We never have had any ritual formalities for the closing of the meeting, so there were none to dispense with this time - the meeting was closed by acclamation!
EDITORIAL (Just like the big-city newspapers)
This space is available to report more Lions activities, but in order to have more activities we need to have more Lions. By way of taking another whack at a long-beaten drum, look around you for someone who would enjoy serving their community in the company of good friends, getting to know new people and gaining insight in organization and leadership as an available bonus, and invite them to Lion membership. If they are just starting out, it will add a great deal to their personal toolkit. If they've been around the block many times, and their toolkit is full, it will give them a chance to employ their choice of the tools they have without risking their livelihood on the results. That's another way of saying Lions serve at all ages and stations in life, and those who participate get as much or more out as they put in.