Next Meeting - Tuesday, May 17 - at the Coliseum Bar - at noon. Apparently the prized invitation to speak at a MCLC program meeting was something of a shuttlecock this month, but it has turned out well. DALE BURMESTER is the Program Host for that day, and the speaker will be DALE BURMESTER, Manager of Economic Planning for American Transmission Co., the company that “helps keep the lights on.” He had scheduled the ATC Corporate Communications Specialist to speak, but when she ran into a schedule conflict he has stepped in, and obviously he knows where ATC is going and will be able to tell us. We all need to be reassured that the furnaces and air conditioners, humidifiers and dehumidifiers will keep running. No word on whether he will also introduce the speaker.
At the last meeting, Pres MIKE rang the bell and plunged right to work - no fooling around with invocations, nationalistic slogans, or songs. He called on DALE BURMESTER, who showed us an object that looked like a hockey puck on steroids, and asked if we knew what it was. SCOTT won a battery pack by correctly calling it a cross-section of a cable. We can look forward to a good presentation next time.
LINDA told us that Brookdale had made twelve goodie bags for the homeless (a Madison Monona Lioness project). She took the few remaining flowers to Brookdale, since there were no calls for replacements. LINDA also announced that the summer raffle prizes would be top-notch - starting with Packers/Bears tickets. The raffle tickets will go on sale in June, and the drawing will be at our Cornhole Tournament on July 30.
TailTwister JACK asked us all to identify the one present at today's meeting who was a dead ringer for someone on the cover of the April Lions magazine. If you weren't at the meeting, you'll have to guess.
MELISSA gave a superbly detailed report on our flower sale (report attached to Tale). She estimates (and her estimate should be pretty darn accurate) that our net profit should be $2,876. This is a decline from past years, but our member numbers are declining as well. She also reported that CRAIG has replaced ROSS as top seller, but only by $60.
SCOTT reported on our highway cleanup. Five Lions, three volunteers (who could be potential Lions), and the rain held off until we were back at the parking lot. He provided a box of found golf balls, in case anyone needed some. Participating were LINDA, DALE B, SCOTT, JOHN, MIKE, Samantha, Quintin, and David.
JODI reminded us that the Madison Monona Lioness were having their 40th year celebration on May 22 at the MapleTree in McFarland. Madison Central members should support this very active club. JODI also reminded us of the State Convention, same weekend, but in Appleton.
MIKE said that the New Glarus Lions Club was holding their 75th anniversary on August 13, the same day as Stuff-the-Bus.
And, with that, as quickly as he had started, MIKE gonged us adjourned.
Many thanks to Man-Of-Many-Hats SCOTT GROVER for most of the content of this Lions Tale.