Next Meeting - Tuesday, April 19, 2016. At noon, at the Coliseum Bar & Restaurant, as usual. This is our Program Meeting for the month, and the Program Host, DAN STOUDT, will introduce Lloyd Cohen, kidney transplant recipient, to speak about his experience with dialysis and transplants. Another near-miracle that wasn't there in times many of us remember.
We're down to the wire on our Flower Sale. The order's in, and delivery day will be only six days away when we meet next Tuesday. If you have any stray orders, consult SCOTT GROVER or MELISSA NOVINSKI on what can be done, and stand by to help deliver Monday, 4/25.
At our last meeting, Pres. MIKE presided, and we hear that he opened the meeting with dispatch and went through the agenda like Sherman through Georgia. Main topics: State Convention, May 19-20-21 in Appleton. If you want to go, see Sec. JOHN JENSON. Highway Cleanup, April 30, see SCOTT GROVER.
Mike announced several coming events -
Madison Monona Lioness 40th Anniversary, May 22, at the Maple Tree in McFarland, cost $20.
Eye Bank Golf Outing, June 23, Pewaukee.
Burch Sturm Golf Outing, July 23, Glacier Wood.
PP JIM SCHUTZ thanked everyone who participated in Eye Tissue Transport missions in March.
Eye Tissue Transport Statistics for March 2016:
Total Transports - 42
Madison Central - 9 (out of 18 transporters)
Madison East - 1 (out of 2 transporters)
Madison Monona - 4 (out of 4 transporters)
Madison West - 5 (out of 11 transporters)
McFarland - 22 (out of 28 transporters).
Beaver Dam - 12, Janesville - 1, Johnson Creek - 15, Dells - 5, Westfield - 8.
JOHN JENSON read off the Nomination List for Club offices for the coming year. Motions were made and passed to accept the nominations and, there being no contested positions, to cast a unanimous ballot for the nominees. Formalities having been completed, our officers will seem familiar:
2016 -2017 Officer Slate
Vice President - KEVIN OLSEN
Secretary - JOHN JENSON
Treasurer - SCOTT GROVER
Tail Twister - JOHN HEIM
Membership Chair/Director - CRAIG BUTLER