Next Meeting - Tuesday, March15, at noon, at the Coliseum Restaurant and Bar. Program Host CRAIG BUTLER says that the speaker will be our own JACK HEIM. He's going to talk about the International Association Of Visually Impaired Technologists and the challenges blind computer professionals face in their jobs. This will be one public speaker who knows what he's talking about, a novelty at the current time.
This will be our last regular meeting before the deadline for Rose Day orders (April 1), so if you have any ready to turn in, be sure to bring them. If not, GET BUSY!
We have just heard that Lion JIM KEMMETER, PP, died Saturday, March 12, after a long and valiant battle with kidney disease. JIM was always a hardworking Lion as long as his health permitted, most recently as Dispatcher for our Eye Tissue Transport missions. He was known for his strong opinions and economy of words, and true to his nature, he fought this last battle as long as it made sense to do so.
Our Cornhole Tournament was a financial success, due in part to some very generous donations. The Coliseum Bar and its staff gave us $300 and also donated time and space, we had a surprising number of entrants for an inaugural event, and the raffle generated almost $300. It appears that overall we made almost $900 for our Service Fund. Contestants from our Club were LINDA BERGREN and David York, and DAN and Bernie STOUDT.
Lion volunteers for the Tournament were KEVIN OLSON, who ran the whole thing as Chairman, and Pres. MIKE KNOWLTON, JOHN & ALICE JENSON, DALE & JODI BURMESTER, JACK HEIM, MELISSA NOVINSKI and SCOTT GROVER.
At our last meeting, Pres. MIKE called the meeting to order without much difficulty. We were reminded that Cycle For Sight was coming up, with the team of LINDA BERGREN and David York being our only registered participants at that point in time. There was some discussion on the various ways and places one could participate. The even is a fundraiser for The McPherson Eye Research Institute at UW.
LINDA BERGREN noted the small pile of remaining Holiday Treats, mostly Chocolate Almonds. Hopefully they are all gone by now, but you should ask her if there's any left to take off her hands. We need to get this clearance inventory disposed of.
We were reminded that March is one of our two Eye Tissue Transport months.
SCOTT GROVER, Man of Budding Knowledge, reminded us that RoseDay is upon us. He said all you need to know about the details is on our website, including order blanks (two varieties). The 3/15 meeting is our last before the order deadline of April 1.