Next Meeting, Tuesday, Jan 19, 2016 , at the Coliseum Restaurant & Bar, at noon. MELISSA NOVINSKI is the Program Host, and she will introduce Art Taggart, of the Heart of Wisconsin Epilepsy Foundation, and former MCLC Lion. Art will talk about “Living With Epilepsy.” That's a hopeful title in itself.
Our last meeting, held in the hangover time after the holidays, was attended by the faithful dozen, and presided over by KEVIN OLSEN, who not only rang the opening bell but led the Pledge of Allegiance to start things off. Observation indicated that all present remembered the words.
JACK HEIM reported that our participation in the Finnish Five had raised over $700, including a $250 donation from our Club, to aid the work of the River Food Pantry. Hannah Becker, their communications coordinator, will be at our next meeting, to formally accept the check.
The Madison-Monona Lioness Club will celebrate their 40th Anniversary on May 22, 2016, at the Maple Tree in McFarland. Their history of service goes back a long way, and many of the family names in their history also are found in the history of Madison Central Lions Club. Lion/Lioness ALICE JENSON is the contact for further information and reservations. No doubt we will hear more as the date gets closer.
The Winners Circle Lions Club, made up mostly of adults with disabilities, will have its Charter Night at the Coliseum Restaurant & Bar at 6:00 PM Feb. 2. This being the same day as our Club's normal business meeting, the members present at the last meeting decided that we would NOT hold a noon meeting on Feb. 2, but instead meet with the Winners Circle Lions in the evening. VDG JODI BURMESTER has been instrumental in getting this new Club started, and will be a Guiding Lion for them. She will have any information you may need about this Charter Night meeting. All MCLC members are encouraged to participate (note that reservations are required).
Madison Central Lions Club is announcing our 2016 Cornhole Tournament on February 20, at the Coliseum Bar & Banquet. Call it Cornhole, call it Bags, but add it to your calendar. This will be a recreational tournament, all are welcome, guys and gals, lads and lassies. Entry fee is $25 ($30 day of event), cash prizes will be awarded, raffles will be held, food and drink specials will be available. We'll need volunteers to help run the event.