Next Meeting, Tuesday, December 1, at the Coliseum Restaurant & Bar, at noon. This will be a business meeting, and our only noon meeting in December, since our Holiday Party on Dec. 15 will replace the second one. If you want a say in what we do, best be there.
The initial version of the last Tale had a glaring error in it, missed by both the Editor and Publisher but caught immediately by the steady eye of one who must be the most distant of our small group of faithful readers, past MCLC Vice President Lion DENNIS URECHE. Thanks for the catch, DENNY, (and it is good to know that someone is actually reading this breathless prose.)
The Holiday Treat Sale is sure to be a major topic at the next meeting. LINDA BERGREN has done her usual herculean job at getting the stuff ordered and delivered, so it is of utmost importance that if you haven't picked up your order yet, GET IT AT THIS NEXT MEETING. If you need more of something, LINDA will have overstock available at the meeting for everything that's still available, and you will help her and our service fund at the same time by taking some items off her hands.
President MIKE opened our last meeting by calling on Secretary JOHN, who awarded PP JACK with certificates from LCI for membership retention. JACK was interested in the banner patch, but our ancient banner may be full. We turned our attention to LINDA, who was busy distributing holiday nuts and collecting money. She asks that you pick up your order on Dec 1, or call her to make other arrangements. If you're looking to pick up some surplus, best hurry. The Coliseum staff likes our candy sale, and the extras should go fast.
LINDA thanked those who rang bells for the Salvation Army: SCOTT and granddaughter Samantha (extra effort for bell-ringing on Monday after surgery on Friday), BETTY and PHIL, JOHN and DEBBIE, LINDA and granddaughter Sydney, and DALE. SCOTT thanked those who cleaned our highway: KEVIN, JOHN, LINDA and David, MIKE, CRAIG, ROSS, and Samantha. Only two golf balls were retrieved, as the grass was long and some cleaners threw their finds back onto the golf course. A huge pile of bags was collected, and a good morning of Fall fun was had.
SCOTT read thank-you letters from WLF (for our donation in memory of PDG Darryl Porter) and the Braille Library (formerly Volunteer Braillist and Tapists). They produce a quality braille product and lend books to over 200 clients, and we've supported them in the past.
PHIL INGWELL reminded us about the fleece blankets for the Children's Hospital. He showed us a sample of an easy-to-make blanket, and encouraged us to participate. It is evident that the enthusiasm of the Madison-Monona Lioness for good works will benefit our club, thanks to BETTY INGWELL.
DEBBIE MAHAFFEY reintroduced herself, and introduced our guests and speakers Rachel Darken and Mike Sweitzer-Beckman from Common Wealth. In addition to providing start-up businesses with low-cost space and families with low-cost living quarters, Common Wealth provides assistance for young teens to find meaningful employment and financial counseling. Fourteen- and fifteen-year-olds can receive training for employment opportunities and job interview skills, as well as interview clothing assistance and grants to cover the cost of work permits. These teens are placed in jobs that will provide mentoring both from Common Wealth and their employers. There is opportunity for Lions to volunteer - can you be a mentor?
Many thanks from the Editor to Officer In Charge of Loose Ends, and Ace Reporter, SCOTT GROVER, who wrote almost all of what you read here!
Mark your calendars - our December 15 meeting will be at the Vintage on Whitney Way, and will start at 6:00PM. It's our Holiday Party. No reservations needed.