Next Meeting, Tuesday, June November 17, at the Coliseum Restaurant & Bar, at noon. DEBBIE MAHAFFEY is the Program Host, and we will hear Rachel Darken, Youth Programs Director, and Mike Sweitzer-Beckman, Development Manager, for Common Wealth. This organization conducts a Youth-Business Mentoring Program and Employment Workshops, which may interest you or employers you know.
The last meeting opened without much in the way of ceremony - in fact, the Editor arrived at 11:57 to find 15 people all seated at one table and the meeting apparently already in progress. The table was full, but a perch at the end was available, even though most of the food choices weren't. The one that was would have been my choice anyway, so away we went.
In the course of a discussion of the Holiday Treat sale, ROSS ROYSTER remarked that fruit cakes went very well with brandy. Sounds like a plan.
LINDA BERGREN says the treat orders will be at the next meeting, ready for pickup, so everyone will please come and get theirs. If you can't get them Tuesday, she'd appreciate it if you would let her know, so she won't have to carry the orders all the way upstairs and then back down again.
BETTY INGWELL said we got a “thank you” from the Children's Hospital for the gift bags our members prepared and donated. She said there was another opportunity to donate fleece blankets for hospital kid patients. Get the details on that one from her.
PHIL INGWELL noted that there was a story on our area's Restoring Hope Transplant House in the Lions International Magazine. The things we do are known around the world.
JODI BURMESTER said that the Madison area clubs are working on expansion of our Vision Screening programs. This is one place where we can do “hands on” service to people right in our own area. You can get technical training to do the actual screening, or, if you aren't trained yet, you can still give invaluable help with the rest of the process - paperwork, managing the people who come, setup and takedown, etc. JODI, JIM SCHUTZ and SCOTT GROVER all participate - talk to them to find out how you can help.
Madison-Monona Lioness Club is celebrating their 40th Anniversary next May, at the Maple Tree in McFarland. We'll hear more about that for sure, but BETTY INGWELL has the details. Plan ahead.
LINDA BERGREN introduced a possible new member, Travis Borchert. He is, among other things, another alumnus of Lions Camp. Travis has turned in his application for membership!
JODI reported that the new Winners Circle Lions Club was scheduled to meet that night, and that they had a group of about 15 people, ages 19 to 50, who were very enthusiastic about the idea and anxious to participate. The members mostly have intellectual disabilities, but make up for that with their enthusiasm. We'll hear more about this one, too - it's another way to give Lion Service, and the members hope to give as well as receive.
Bell ringing for the Salvation Army is scheduled for Monday, November 16, at the Penney's at East Towne. Check with LINDA if you're interested but not signed up yet.