Next Meeting, Tuesday, November 3, at the Coliseum Restaurant & Bar, at noon. Summer's gone, we drive home in the dark, and the Halloween bogeymen have departed, replaced by the politicians, but Lions soldier on, because service has no clock or calendar. The next meeting is all about Lion business, so best you come and see what's on our plate. Holiday Treats, for sure, and a word about Highway Cleanup, which is scheduled for next Saturday, November 7. Project chair SCOTT GROVER will no doubt have schedule and instructions for those who crave a cleaner world. Or need more golf balls. So far as we know, no one has ever picked up any discarded money, but we're a nonprofit anyway.
The last meeting opened somewhat unsteadily, without the firm hand of Pres. MIKE at the bell. Turned out that KEVIN OLSEN and his computer were presiding, which means that either the Board has somehow decided that he's a Vice President, or else that he was the “next man up”. Either way, off we went, without a hitch.
LINDA BERGREN said we would once again schedule a day to ring the Salvation Army's bell and mind their kettle for their Christmas fund drive. Date and location to be decided. We work best in pairs, so find somebody - another Lion, or a relative or friend or whoever - and sign up. Usually there are two-hour shifts from about 10 AM to 6 or 8 PM. It's actually a fun thing to do, and great for people-watching. Usually, you get donations from unlikely sources, and you get to help a few parents teach the art of giving to their children. The Editor's personal challenge is to see how far off you can make eye contact with someone as they pass near your kettle, because it's harder for them to ignore the kettle if you catch their eye.
BETTY INGWELL had some properly filled Gift Bags which she was going to present to the American Family UW Childrens Hospital, and we may hear more about that.
PP JACK HEIM restated the date and time for our Holiday party. Tuesday evening, December 15, once again at the Vintage Pub on Whitney Way across from HyVee. Entertainment will be a musical group specializing in “vintage” music. Party time is 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Appetizer-type food, and cash bar. No reservation required.
JODI BURMESTER reported that the Winners Circle Lions Club has scheduled its Charter Night for Feb. 4. They plan to have evening meetings, with dinner at 6PM and meeting/program at 7 PM. Location is the Coliseum Bar & Restaurant., and we think 2nd VDG JODI said they were aiming for Tuesday nights.
JACK HEIM, newly reinstalled in his old post as TailTwister, reminded us that our collection of food for a food pantry will continue in November. Bring items of non-perishable food to our meetings, or be prepared to fork over a buck to the TT.
GAIL STIRR introduced our speaker, Prof Janice Eels, who told us about new discoveries in treating macular degeneration. NASA funded experiments with LED lights to grow plants in space, and discovered that certain wavelengths of red light promoted cell growth and repair. In the layers of cells in the retina, there are rods, cones and photoreceptors, which are damaged by the previously untreatable dry AMD. It was found that the treatment arrested the damage and preserved some vision. First tested on rats, it has proved to have the same effect in human trials. Development of new drugs takes many years and many millions of dollars, and this new discovery offers hope for quicker results in the search for ways to protect, preserve and repair these incredibly complex cells in the human eye. This was an illuminating program, offering insight on how research takes unexpected courses to obtain favorable results.