Next Meeting, Tuesday, June 2, at the Coliseum Bar, at noon. Summer's here, but our business goes on, so next Tuesday we're going to get together to talk about it.
Coming Events: Save Sight Night at the Mallards, June 19; Concert in the Park, June 29.
The Golf Outing has come and gone - preliminary reports are that everybody had a good time but the next Tiger Woods has still not been found. However, the grand old game survived, probably in part because the editor gave it up long ago. The weather and the dinner were both good, and we made some money for our Service Fund.
Big thanks go to LINDA BERGREN, who managed the whole thing, and JIM SCHUTZ, major prize donor. Doug Mahaffey, MIKE KNOWLTON and JACK HEIM ran the chipping contest. As yet, no report on scores.
The Raffle winners were drawn. Among them: Craig Butler's son won the prized Packers-Seahawks tickets. Other winners from our Club were MELISSA NOVINSKI and JOHN JENSON.
We understand that two new members of MCLC, DALE BURMESTER and BETTY INGWELL, were inducted into Lion Membership at the State Convention. That's a bigger stage than any of the rest of us got, but their long-time connection with, and service to, Madison Central Lions deserved something special. JODI and PHIL are the official sponsors. There won't be a need for any New Member Indoctrinations for these Lions, and they sure are welcome!
This month's Fluff From The Internet:
You feel stuck with your debt if you can't budge it.
Local Area Network in Australia - the LAN down under.
Every calendar's days are numbered.
A lot of money is tainted - taint yours and taint mine.
A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
He had a photographic memory that was never developed.
A midget fortune-teller who escapes from prison is a small medium at large.
Once you've seen one shopping centre, you've seen a mall.
Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis.
Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses.
Acupuncture is a jab well done.