Next Meeting, April 7. At our new place, the Coliseum Bar. At noon. As best we can determine, this will be a business meeting, and there will be plenty of business to discuss. First and foremost, Rose Day! It is VERY IMPORTANT that you bring in any orders not already recorded. The deadline for orders was a week ago, but some last minute adjustments may be doable if you tell MELISSA right now!! Our base order is in, and latecomers may not be able to get what they want. And, volunteer to deliver flowers. Great way to put a couple of hours of brightness in your day!
At our last meeting, Pres. JACK rang the bell, and SCOTT GROVER gave the invocation. Sec. JOHN JENSON reported that we had received “thank you” letters from Wisconsin Lions Foundation for our memorial gift, and also from the District Youth Exchange chairman for our support. He also reminded us of the State Convention in Lake Geneva in May. See JOHN if you want to go and aren't already signed up.
It was also reported that our own Lion JODI BURMESTER had been elected to the office of 2nd Vice District Governor. This puts her on track to be District Governor in two years, keeping intact Madison Central's tradition of leadership for our District. Also means she'd better be saving up for a new set of tires on the family car.
We heard that the Madison Evening Lions Club is closing down. It was originally organized mostly for UW Health personnel and others for whom a noon meeting wasn't feasible. Hopefully the remaining members can somehow find their way to other Clubs. If you know an Evening member, invite them to our meeting.
SCOTT GROVER reported that our eye tissue transport couriers had made 22 runs to that point in March. We'll probably get a full monthly report at this next meeting, but it was a busy month for this vital service.
We usually do Highway Cleanup in April. Takes 5 or 6 Lions, a Saturday morning, and gives you a chance to get out in the fresh air, and maybe restock your store of used golf balls. Talk to SCOTT GROVER. There is a Vision Screening scheduled for May 8, and you can help. SCOTT's got the information on that one, too.
Our Golf Outing is set for May 18 at Cherokee Country Club. We could use more hole sponsors, and prize donations, but most of all we need more golfers! Dust off your bag, call a couple friends, and sign up. No one will rat on your early season score, but this is a great opportunity to polish your game early in the season. There will be, among other things, a raffle, so we need donated prizes for that also. CRAIG BUTLER is the Lion to go to for registration, donation and information.
Just in case the editor was not the only one who didn't know what was going on, our own Lion MICHELLE VETTERKIND has just finished her year as NATIONAL PRESIDENT of her trade group's national organization, the National Alliance of State Broadcasting Associations. No wonder we didn't see much of her at Lions last year, and it also explains why some of her Facebook postings came from exotic places. Congratulations (belatedly), MICHELLE! We have had a player on the national stage!
SCOTT GROVER introduced our speaker, Nicole Williams, from the local chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Most all of us have heard of them, but now we know exactly what they do, for whom, and how. Nationally, they grant wishes for children diagnosed with life threatening illness, in four broad categories: “To Be”, as a fireman for a day; “To Go To”, Disney or some other special place; “To Meet”, Aaron Rogers or some other special person; “To Have”, something, like a puppy or a playhouse. The average cost is $660, they have done about 5000 in Wisconsin, the Madison office does 40-50 per year. There were lots of heartwarming stories, including the remark that “some were made to feel like regular kids again” which resonates when we think of why we have Lions Camp. The Foundation is proud of the fact that only 19% of budget goes for administration - 81% of donated funds go to the beneficiaries' “wishes.” Money raised in Wisconsin stays here.