Next Meeting, Tues. February 17, 2015. At the Coliseum Bar, our new meeting place. Second floor, menu is on the table with the badge box. Pick your choice, note the color, take a ticket of that color to your place at the table, and you can talk Lionism or whatever until your lunch arrives. And note, the portions are generous and they do have takehome boxes.
Our program for the day will be Steve Bartlett, former PR Director for Badger Honor Flight, introduced by MICHELLE VETTERKIND. The Honor Flight was originally conceived as a recognition for the fast-dropping numbers of WWII veterans (the “Greatest Generation”) to whom the whole world owes whatever good is left in it, and we will probably hear what course the project will take as their original target population is inexorably reduced. It does seem that they will never run out of wars from which new cadres of veterans remain.
At our last meeting, Pres. JACK opened the meeting, noting that the TailTwister was entangled in a conference call and therefore was not present. In a burst of generosity, Treasurer and Jack-Of-All Trades SCOTT GROVER offered to accept any voluntary contributions on the TT's behalf. We are happy to report that SCOTT was uninjured, as no stampede to take him up on it occurred.
It was reported that KEVIN OLSEN had been persuaded, cajoled, drafted to serve as this year's Flower Sale chairman. We can expect more news about product and prices shortly. This is a big job and we need to give him all possible help, because many of our service projects depend on it. Rose Day is scheduled for April 20.
We received a check for $1353.75 USD from the gum ball distributor, our share of the profits. This campaign goes on, but not forever, by itself (an amazing $163,773.16 donated to date). Be on the lookout for a location where a gum machine might be placed, try to obtain permission from the property owner, and SCOTT or JOHN will pass on the info to the gum baller. It's almost like found money.
SCOTT GROVER reminded us that March is our month to transport tissue for the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin. If you are already a transporter, check with SCOTT to be sure that both of you have all current information, and if you're not a transporter but you'd like to have a part in this most important service project, see SCOTT and he'll do the necessary to get you on the list.
GAIL STIRR has the information on Cycle For Sight, which is set for next month. You can ride, sponsor a rider, and/or you can donate directly to the project on the internet. The club will match the first $250 donated. Just ask GAIL for more information.
NESCO will have its Health Fair in May. We've helped them out in the past, and there will likely be an opportunity to do that again, along with a possible vision screening session as part of the Health Fair. Stay tuned. SCOTT GROVER is the point man on this one.
JODI BURMESTER is trying to do a Diabetes Awareness project in March. Contact her if you can help.
Save Sight Night At The Mallards will be held on June 19th. Join Lions from other area Clubs in a social evening of dining, beverages and baseball. More info will be coming, but mark your calendar.
We are working on a joint effort with other area Clubs to paint a map of the US on one or more elementary school playgrounds. Object is to provide some painless geography learning for the kids, and incidentally improve the appearance of the playground. Biggest obstacles appear to be planning and manpower - there's not a whole lot of $$ cost involved.
Stuff The Bus will once again collect school supplies on August 8. We'll hear more about this one too.
There was a whole lot of Lion business going on at this meeting, as well as ad hoc Board of Directors meetings and formal actions which came and went several times. Hard to tell the players from the spectators, because there were no programs or shirt numbers. McGee got so bored with the passing time that Pres. JACK had to placate him with extra ear rubs. “GOOD DOG, McGEE!!!”