Next Meeting - Tuesday, November 4, at the Sheraton, at noon. At least you won't need your car headlights to see your way to the meeting. Our monthly business meeting, at which we will socialize, dine, and hear about and discuss whatever is going on. There's always something going on.
The big flap over our internet presence seems to be subsiding, thanks to the efforts of the web-savvy among us, led by Pres. JACK and Webmaster SCOTT GROVER. As MELISSA NOVINSKI correctly pointed out at the last meeting, you don't have to know how to spell our new URL, just Google it! Just so you know, we think it's If you are reading this Tale on the web, then you know SCOTT'S got his address lists fixed. All this goes to show that the wonders of scientific progress are still not infallible, but if you know someone who looks good wearing the cape and the pointed hat with the stars (or has a Teacher's Certificate from Hogwarts), a lot of good things can be done this way. Somehow, SCOTT seems to have retrieved a lot that was on our old website, and who knows, maybe a few electronic cobwebs got brushed out along the way as well.
One item sure to be mentioned at the next meeting is our ongoing Holiday Treat Sale. LINDA has turned in the order - see her for current info. There's still time to move some of the classic fruitcakes and/or malted milk balls, as well as the quality nuts (takes one to sell one), trail mix, etc.
Hopefully the Highway Cleaners went forth last Saturday to maintain our reputation and our supply of used golf balls. SCOTT was having a tough time rounding up Lionpower.
Many of us wistfully recall our meetings at the Edgewater Hotel. As chronicled by SCOTT on our website, and in the newspapers, the new version looks wonderful, but...........$$$$$$$$.
At our last meeting, Pres. JACK presided, and there were 11 people present. It was reported that Leslie Howard said at the Service Club Luncheon that there were a lot of good things going on in Madison. There were fewer attendees at the lunch, but still a lot of service clubs represented.
JIM SCHUTZ reported that we had 63 Eye Tissue Transplant missions in September, a Club record. “Because of what I do today, someone will see tomorrow.” As Lions, we still do great things, and this is one of them.
Our speaker, introduced by Pres. JACK, was Dr. Tonghai Yang, from the UW. He has established a personal Foundation to pursue his goal of aiding the education of Chinese children of impoverished families, who are unable to afford even the seemingly small cost of a year's education in Chinese schools- $60-80 USD for elementary, $80-100USD for middle school, $150-200USD for high school. There is more glitter in China than there used to be, but because of the enormous population, the same pockets of poverty found elsewhere in the world. Just as it is here, education is the key to progress for children. For more information, and/or to help by donation, there is a website at There is also a way to help by shopping at companies who will donate a percentage of your purchase to the Foundation.