Next Meeting - Tuesday, August 19, noon at the Sheraton as usual. Our speaker will be the newly installed District Governor, Lion RANDY HARRISON, making his annual visit to our Club. For some reason, probably the quick footwork by our Program Committee members, we are usually among the first to get the new District Governor's message, and in the process we will get the latest news and points of emphasis from Lions Clubs International, along with similar information from the state and our District. In addition to attending the International Convention, District Governors put in countless hours crisscrossing the area to visit all clubs in their district, plus various Zone and Region meetings. As a result, they are a vital link in the flow of information back and forth from the Club level to International. That's what builds and maintains the largest service club in the world - US!
Reminder - September is our month to transport donated eye tissue. If you are a transporter, expect a call or two, and if there are any changes in your contact info, give them to SCOTT GROVER immediately, if not sooner. If you are not yet a transporter, but would like to be, contact SCOTT. He is, among many other things, The Keeper Of The List. And this is a list you might like to be on, “Because of what I do today, someone will see tomorrow!”
Our last meeting was our monthly business meeting, and Pres. JACK HEIM was all business. He rang the bell to open the meeting, and PHIL INGWELL gave the invocation . TailTwister JEFF SCHNEIDER had previously confounded the arriving members with an extremely trivial question, using info gleaned from a perusal of the Lion Magazine from International. This approach should serve as a warning for the future - the Lion, and the Wisconsin Lion newspaper (Editor JODI) arrive regularly, and certainly contain lots of information that we as Lions should know. Shouldn't we?
As this is written, “Stuff The Bus 2014” is being recorded into history. Hopefully it was a success, because we got some nice TV coverage from Channel 15 to help in the effort.
The Fitchburg Lions are leading a fund-raising effort on Labor Day weekend - Lions can work the celebration put on by EpleGaarden and their pay will be donated to Lions Clubs. Contact ALICE JENSON for info. There will be another opportunity to work handing out literature, and get paid a donation to our service funds, at the Dairy Expo in October. JODI BURMESTER has the info on that one. In her position as Editor of the Wisconsin Lion, she gets advance information on everything that's going on, so we have chances to be among the first in line to participate, and this looks like one of them.
Lion CHARLIE LIBERTY, present with his wife TRISH (who will shortly become our newest member) donated a hockey puck autographed by Coach Mike Eaves for a charitable auction by the TailTwister. History did not record the winning bid (or bidder), and unfortunately the Editor didn't either, due to the spirited bidding. But the TT funds got a boost, thanks to CHARLIE.
There were a couple of the new International President's pins handed out, and PHIL INGWELL gave one to Lion JACK for his service as President. JODI gave another to TRISH LIBERTY, to wear as soon as we can get the New Member Induction ceremony properly performed.
All business having been properly concluded, Pres. JACK rang the bell again to close the meeting. It is notable that he is one of our better bell-ringers in recent years, and this time he may have set a record. The closing time was 12:43 PM.