Next Meeting -Tuesday, June 17, at noon, at the Sheraton. We don't have information on what the program might be, and since the Installation of Officers was held at the “business meeting” on the first Tuesday we still have one more meeting to go for the “old” Lion year, and so we don't know whether Lion LINDA or Lion JACK will be swinging the gavel. And now that it's golf season, some of our veteran Lions will go into intermittent mode for their attendance, so we aren't sure who will be at the meeting, either. Find out whether we need a flag, whether we have a flag, and/or whether we have a temporary flagpole. Therefore, in order to resolve all these mysteries, it is imperative that you attend!
We made a good start to Summer at the last meeting, though, because every seat at the (large) table was filled, and there was a lot of good conversation going on. The TailTwisters had to struggle to count the take for the day. Along with many of the regulars, we were glad to see CHARLIE LIBERTY, apparently finally unwound after tax season, and we were glad to see that he brought his wife Trish as a guest. They may not be constant attenders at noon meetings, but if you've worked on our fundraisers and/or service projects you know them because they're often there when the work's being done.
We did formally install our Board of Directors for the coming year, and since you can't tell the players without a program, they are President JACK HEIM, Vice President MIKE KNOWLTON, Secretary JOHN JENSON, Treasurer SCOTT GROVER, TailTwister JEFF SCHNEIDER, Membership Director/Chairman CRAIG BUTLER, Past President LINDA BERGREN and Directors GAIL STIRR, STEVE BRIGGS and PHIL INGWELL. Ideas, suggestions and questions should go to one of them. Complaints go to the 2nd VP.
Our date to help out NESCO at Warner Park is tomorrow, June 16. Anyone with questions, and last-minute volunteers, call SCOTT GROVER. Or show up at the Pavilion in Warner Park at 4:30.
We've always helped the Salvation Army with their Red Kettle Drives, and now that they're doing two of them a year, the opportunity to do so again is at hand. The date is July 17, the location is at Metcalfe's Hilldale store, and since it is summer there's no need to worry about the temperature at the kettle location, just inside the North entrance. There are two-hour shifts from 10 AM to 8 PM, and whenever possible we like to have two Lions for each shift. A chance to help the needy, and be visible as Lions at the same time. We suspect that Lion LINDA has the sign-up sheet, but if she doesn't she knows who does, so let's get those time slots filled.
We had a report on our Golf Outing, which was on the whole a success. Among other important things, we got $1,000 donations from Raymond James Co. and the Cherokee Foundation, Statehouse Investments (JIM SCHUTZ, Prop.) donated the beverage cart, and JIM SCHUTZ and his company donated the sports tickets which were the main Raffle prizes. We sold 244 out of the 250 tickets printed. All of this was a huge help in meeting our fundraising goals. We had 60 people at the dinner, a great turnout, and 32 golfers, which we can probably improve on. We made sure that our sponsor-donors got pictures of the recognition they were given, and we learned a lot about running the event that will be helpful next year.
We got an update on the Flower Sale from MELISSA NOVINSKI. There are only two accounts receivable left, and we stand to clear about $3,500 for our service fund. Really great work from all concerned- THANK YOU!
Next event is the Save Sight Night at the Mallards, on July 18. A chance to have fun at the old ball park, see some baseball, eat, drink and be merry. LINDA has ticket information, we think.
There was a comment that some new Lion T-Shirts were shortly to be available for purchase. It was suggested that they would replace the old gold Madison Central Lions vests, which for some reason have not been overwhelmingly popular with our Club membership. A few of us traditionalists may still keep them on hand, because the thought of wearing a bunch of pins on a t-shirt, or wearing one in Wisconsin winters, still gives pause, but.......whatever works. More information forthcoming.
There has been a confirmed sighting of a veteran Madison Central Lion - apparently Past President RICH MATZELLE was in town, possibly for a grandchild event. RICH still keeps an eye on Club doings from his retirement home on Hawai'i Island.