Next Occasion - Monday, May 19 - At Cherokee Golf Club. Not our usual meeting, not our usual day, not our usual hour. This is our Golf Outing, regular meeting, Spring Social, and Golf Outing Dinner! A three-in-one party - four, if you count the actual game of golf - and all are invited. You have to have a reservation, though, and if you're somehow not signed up and want to attend, and maybe bring a guest, call Pres. LINDA right away. If you can't find her, SCOTT GROVER might have the keys , too. CRAIG BUTLER could get you on the course to play, and we still need more golfers. Golf starts at noon, and the evening festivities begin with cocktail hour at 5:00 and dinner at 6:00.
The Raffle, with all of the sports tickets for prizes, will be concluded and the winners drawn at the dinner. There were only 250 tickets printed, and if any are still available they'll be for sale during the cocktail hour.
There will be the usual golf prizes - Low score, high score, longest putt, longest drive, that sort of thing. Presumably the event will have a Tournament Winner, but unfortunately the winner will not automatically qualify for the Masters.
This being a social and athletic event, there will be no meeting formalities. There may or may not be some Lion business mentioned, because, after all, even though we play, We Serve, and some of our service activity may be reported on.
At our last meeting, Pres. LINDA rang the bell, but that was about it for the formalities. Main topic of discussion, of course, was our Flower Sale. Short report, “we did good.” Of course, all of the facts are presented in MELISSA NOVINSKI'S detailed report, which indicates results pretty similar to last year. Top Salesman was ROSS ROYSTER at $1275, and DAN STOUDT was close, with $1050. Others in the Top Ten for Sales, CRAIG BUTLER, MELISSA NOVINSKI, JIM SCHUTZ, Dave Mies (a former MCLC member who is still one of our best friends), STEVE BRIGGS, MICHELLE VETTERKIND, JOHN JENSON and TOM STEVENS. 12 other Lions either sold flowers or made donations.
SCOTT GROVER and MELISSA NOVINSKI, who with LINDA BERGREN and JIM SCHUTZ made up the Rose Day Committee, ran the depot and dispatched the deliveries. Those who made the all-important deliveries, led by the “dynamic duo” of ROSS ROYSTER and DAN STOUDT, were LINDA BERGREN and David York, JODI BURMESTER, STEVE BRIGGS, CRAIG BUTLER, JOHN JENSON, PHIL INGWELL, CHARLIE and Tricia LIBERTY, Doug Mahaffey, MELISSA NOVINSKI, SCOTT GROVER, WALT PRIDHAM, JIM SCHUTZ, TOM STEVENS, Bernie Stoudt and MICHELLE VETTERKIND.
We stand to make about $3400, slightly less than last year because we sold about the same number of units but the unit-profit mix was different this time because we sold fewer mixed roses, which have the highest profit margin. Only about $900 is still outstanding - if you have money collected, get it in to MELISSA as soon as possible, or sooner.
Our Highway Cleanup project was also reported as a success. The workers were SCOTT GROVER, MIKE AND JOYCE KNOWLTON, LINDA BERGREN and David York. They collected 24 trash bags of junk, plus a couple of dozen golf balls, and apparently had a good time doing it.