Next Meeting - Tuesday, April 15 - Tax Day, for the procrastinators - At the Sheraton. We think PHIL INGWELL has the program, and we think that Pres. LINDA will preside, but beyond that, all is speculation. As the old saying goes, “the reason for being there is to see what the heck will happen next.” We do know that a lot of your Lion friends will be there, and it appears that Spring has finally arrived, so you won't have to wear the heavy down jacket, so no excuse for not being there!

The current item of major importance is our flower sale. The orders should have been in by now, and the delivery date is APRIL 21, so as the attorneys say, “time is of the essence.” There will be some last-minute reminders, no doubt. We can't have too many deliverers, so if you can help out, even with just a few, report to the Sheraton on that Monday morning. It would help if you let MELISSA NOVINSKI and/or SCOTT GROVER know you are coming. Sales so far are not up to previous figures, but hopefully some more will show up.

At the last meeting, Pres. LINDA opened in the usual fashion, minus the old protocols. First item of discussion was Cycle For Sight, for which our Club raised $325.00. With matching funds, the total was $675.00. Overall, the project raised more than $28,000 USD for the Eye Research Institute, more than double last year's amount. We can give ourselves a small pat on the pack for helping to lead the way on this one. Team leader LINDA did report that she and husband David York were sort of at the back of the peloton, but they did finish the course.

JIM SCHUTZ reported that our club had a total of 45 missions during our March stint as Transporters for the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin.

April 26, Saturday, has been set as our Highway Cleanup day. LINDA and SCOTT GROVER have the details. Another indication that our Club activity is picking up.

The Nomination Committee (Who??) reported the following candidates for our election of Club officers for the coming Lion year which starts July 1 - President, JACK HEIM, VP MIKE KNOWLTON, Secretary JOHN JENSON, Treasurer SCOTT GROVER, Tailtwister JEFF SCHNEIDER, Membership Director CRAIG BUTLER, Directors PHIL INGWELL and GAIL STIRR. STEVE BRIGGS is the continuing Director.

A brochure is now available for our Golf Outing on May 19. We are still actively recruiting sponsors and golfers - ask the hackers you know to come and practice for our benefit. Even if they don't play well they still do good, and how many opportunities are there for that?? Dinner is $25.00 (reservations required), nongolfers are encouraged, and it will do triple duty as our regular meeting for that week, our Spring Social, and of course the culmination of a day of competition on the golf course. Presumably we will honor the winners of various awards, and recognize the remaining survivors as well.

JOHN JENSON has the signup sheet for the State Convention at Wisconsin Dells.

We are looking into the possibility of another Save Sight Night At The Mallards social event on July 18.

Gems from the internet: