Next Meeting -April 1- At noon - No Foolin'! Once again, a business meeting, and there is important business to be done, as well as discussed. We refer to our Flower Sale, which is in its final stages of sales and orders. It is very important to get your completed order blanks in ASAP, either by bringing them to the meeting or getting them to MELISSA NOVINSKI. The Sale managers need to know how many to order, and that is a critical figure - too few, and we lose sales, too many, and we lose money. Either way the idea is to win, not lose. Order blanks are available.
No Lions Tale in March or early April is complete without an appeal to fill out the Flower Sale order blanks in full, entirely, all items, completely, without omissions, whatever. The information is all important, but none more important than the delivery directions. Remember that the delivery person has a long way to go before they sleep, so make it easy for them by showing EXACTLY where the flowers go. Prominently mark any special instructions for time and/or place of delivery.
We will also be doing more planning for the golf outing, including entry forms, sponsorships, prize donations, etc. Date for that is May 19th. Hopefully, all the snow will be off the greens by that time, but best not to go in any of the sand traps - there may still be some in there. The usual noon meeting that week will be moved to the dinner following the Golf Outing. Come to the dinner meeting even if you're not playing golf. Cost of the dinner is $25.00, and it “triples” as a meeting, a Spring Social, and a Golf celebration. Reservations are required.
A report on the Eye Tissue Transport missions in March will be forthcoming. This is one of the most critical things we do - “hands on” all the way, and a good opportunity to show a friend and/or prospective member what Lionism in action is.
Highway cleanup will be some time next month, again subject to the snow finally leaving the roadsides. An opportunity to get outside, serve the community, broaden your knowledge of what constitutes trash, and replenish your supply of golf balls.
Last meeting opened with Pres. LINDA's Gong Show - she had the bell with her and made sure that everybody was awake. We had one guest - Kurt Roskopf, introduced by SCOTT GROVER. We hope he will be back. LINDA reported having been at a basketball game at the Kohl Center which she actually got to see, rather than listen to from the concession stand. A new experience for a veteran worker. LINDA commented that she personally had run 3 eye transport missions in the first half of March. This appears to be an active project this time.
It was noted that rose order numbers have to be in by April 6, and the depot for delivery will once again be a meeting room at the Sheraton. Worked OK last year.
JOHN JENSON reminded us that the State Convention will be at the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells on May 16th and 17th. Don't know about a signup deadline, but check with JOHN if you would like to go. Another chance to see Lionism on a bigger stage.
JOHN then introduced the speaker, Lion JOHN DIXON, our area Director for the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, and a member of the Cross Plains Lions Club. WLF is the entity that supports our statewide service programs, most visible of which is Lions Camp at Rosholt. Among others, used eyeglass collection, sorting, packaging and shipping to service groups that dispense them in less-developed countries. There is also a hearing aid assistance program, and a recycling program for used cell phones. The recyclers give us money for them.
Lion DIXON talked mostly about Lions Camp. The Camp is constantly being upgraded and improved, to provide the best possible experience for campers. There are thousands of success stories from happy campers, most of whom are already anticipating next year's experience as they finish their current one. The camp's equipment and facilities are constantly maintained and improved, and among other things a new Totem Pole is in the works. This important symbol of the Camp is out in the weather 24x365, and they wear out over time. He noted that the goal is to have groups of campers with similar conditions, so for that week they “don't feel different” from those around them. They are perfectly normal for that week.