Next Meeting - we will celebrate the Holidays on December 17. Expect a different room, different food, and exceptional entertainment. Bring a friend!
At our last meeting, President LINDA, reflected on our motto, We Serve. How do YOU serve? What did you do today? Looking back on 2013, how did we do? What was important, what was a waste of our time? We will spend our first meeting in January looking ahead at 20014.
LINDA told us a little about the Holiday Party we'll celebrate on December 17. The original group she had scheduled to perform had to cancel, but she expects a fabulous musical replacement for our last meeting of the calendar year. The Christmas program will be Fritz, the piano player of two years ago, and Tisha, a female vocalist. It should be a wonderful show. They will entertain and provide leads for some sing-a-long Christmas songs. LINDA promised that she will not wear the red long underwear that was earlier up for auction, but we should expect to see it. For auction, that is. There will be yet another opportunity to purchase our lovely candy and nuts, so bring your checkbook, along with a friend.
We gave thanks to our bellringers - PHIL INGWELL, JOHN JENSON, JACK HEIM, SCOTT GROVER, DEBBIE MAHAFFEY, DALE MUELLER, LINDA BERGREN, and granddaughter (listed in order of appearance). We also gave thanks to our vision screeners at Frank Ellis School - JIM, LINDA, SCOTT, DEBBIE, DAVE HINELINE from Waunakee Lions, and CHARLINE HINELINE from Waunakee Lioness. Twelve children passed the test, and seven were referred. We made a valuable contact with Head Start. The children tested ranged in age from a babe-in-arms to an eight-year-old. We had an opportunity to use the new Plus Optix camera, and learned that we too could have one for a mere $4,400. Our next vision screening opportunity will come after the first of the year, and there should be an official training session soon.
LINDA looked at our Foundation pledges/gifts for the past (fiscal) year. We gave $2,000 to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, $1,000 to the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, $200 to the District CARE project (note: Dr. Gil is retiring, and closing his clinic), $200 to the District Hearing, $200 to the District Youth Exchange, almost $3,000 for eyeglass grants, and $250 for Community Services. We were challenged to find methods to raise money for our pledges for this current fiscal year. We do an excellent job of hiding our light under a bushel - would we be able to do more if the general public knew more about what we can do?