Next Time - Tuesday, June 18. AT NOON. At the Sheraton, as usual. Our regular noon meeting of the month, and the last one of this Lion year. Don't know whether there will be a Changing Of The Guard ceremony, but the room isn't big enough for a band, so...... We understand that Pres. LINDA has a bum wing, so she may not be able to swing a gavel anyway.
The editor hasn't made the last few meetings, so the Tale has been told largely through the efforts of star reporter SCOTT GROVER, who is wearing a lot of hats lately. His observations on the last morning meeting:
We started off our June 4 breakfast meeting waiting to see if anyone else would show up. There were SIX people in attendance (and not all of us morning people). LINDA BERGREN regaled us with some of her tales from the Land of the Midnight Sun (yes, she really has a cousin named Lena). JACK HEIM outdid himself with a TaleTwister collection that began with “Anyone want to give me a dollar?”
We will not have a July breakfast meeting (and this reporter knows you're all disappointed to read that). LINDA is looking for a date for a July social event (make that a calendar date). After some discussion, it was decided to make our social event the July 14 Save Sight Night at the Mallards, an event organized by the Madison Evening Lions Club. Details for Save Sight Night can be found on their web site, and we will hear more about how we can participate at the June 18 luncheon meeting.
We talked about morning meetings in general. While it was an excellent idea to see if morning meetings would work, the attendance has been 'not so good'. We may change back to two luncheon meetings in August. JIM SCHUTZ suggested that we try two luncheon meetings AND one breakfast meeting (going back to our long tradition of meeting every week). Perhaps one of the luncheon meetings would be a business-only meeting, and the other would feature a speaker. You must speak up if you have strong feelings about this, one way or the other. Our August business meeting will focus on committees and your participation.
We're looking at a June project of providing volunteers for the June 24 Concert in the Park. These concerts are held at Warner Park, and sponsored by our good friends at NESCO. The Madison East Lions have been volunteering the past two years, and it is good fun. Not nearly as hard as working for the W Club, you would be expected to arrive at 4:30, and the concerts are usually over by 7:00.
We're also looking at Ringing the Bells sometime during July (9 - 17). Look for more information on that. The Youth Exchange Picnic will be July 24, at the Eye Bank. You would be expected to bring a dish to pass to help feed all of the Wisconsin Lions exchange kids. JACK says to expect a Trivia Run the last weekend in August, to generate a bit of funds and raise awareness of Lions. And NESCO is always looking for volunteers to help clean yards and homes.
JODI BURMESTER reported on the Stuff-the-BUS project. The Madison Area Lions Clubs are looking to do this, in conjunction with Lions all over the state. She reports that the Madison School Community Foundation is quite receptive, and she is working with local TV stations to get their support. A tentative target date of August 17 has been suggested. We would collect school supplies for Madison kids.
Madison West Lions are going to visit the Lions Camp at Rosholt on July 17. They are chartering a bus, and it may be possible for some of us to join them. When was the last time YOU went to Camp?
MELISSA NOVINSKI reported on our Flowers fund-raiser. She is enjoying the best collection ever, and estimates that there is only about $125 yet to be collected (hint, hint). What could we do better next year? We could start earlier, and the two luncheon format would certainly help that. She also reports that she only has six vases left.
SCOTT GROVER said he'd like to present a proposed budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal year at the June Board meeting (June 25), and if anyone has suggestions, they may contact him. Our budget-to-date is always on our web site, if you're interested.
There may not have been many Lions present at our dawn patrol meeting, but we sure got a lot accomplished!
Note particularly the visit to Lions Camp on July 17. If you have not seen the Camp, you owe it to yourself to see this display of Lionism in action. It is a first-class facility, and the things they do for people with special needs are inspiring. If you sometimes wonder what you are doing to help people in this world, here is a chance to find out for yourself. It is hands-on, close to home, and watching these kids enjoy themselves will give you a great feeling. You have to be there!
Note the schedule change in July - no morning meeting - and the discussion about future meetings. Make your feelings on the subject known to somebody on the Board. They welcome the input.