Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 3. There WILL be a meeting. Pres. LINDA BERGREN will preside, and we will have the opportunity to have lunch, enjoy some cool air, visit with friends, and discuss a potential meeting format change to encourage attendance.
At the last meeting we set an attendance record. Nine, including one Lion visitor. Not a record to be proud of, and we hope that MCLC members will bestir themselves and get to the meetings. Ok, you're busy, but the atmosphere's both cool and friendly and the food is good. Besides, if you think about it, when you are at a Lion meeting, you are taking an active part in the world's largest service club. You are doing good even if you're only just sitting there. And if you listen all of the time and speak up occasionally, especially if you say “I'll help with that” you will not only enjoy it more, you will get the satisfaction of being an active participant in a group that actually helps others. Lions go and do it, they don't just walk around chanting and waving signs exhorting someone else to do it. Best of all, in many situations - eye tissue transport comes to mind - they go and do it themselves, personally, hands-on. If you can't go yourself, WLF and LCIF offer you a way to send your money to help. They can do a lot, in your name, with your money.
At the last meeting, Pres. JIM opened the meeting, VP LINDA led the song (low pitch) and then gave the invocation as well. JIM gave a brief farewell speech, tinged no doubt with a feeling of relief. It was hot outside and cold within, which appealed to many.
It was reported that the Golf Outing had occurred as scheduled, and they are anticipating a profit around $5000. Apparently no one got hurt, and the PGA still hasn't added it to the Tour.
There will be some kind of picnic in July, apparently as part of the Youth Exchange program - the visitors have about a week at a camp, to mingle and learn about the US, and we may get to be part of it. More info will follow, hopefully.
Lion RICK DALUGE, visiting as a Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin representative, put on yet another hat and told us that he needed Lion volunteers to help with the Kidney Foundation Run/Walk on July 28. Report to Goodman Park at 5:00pm to help welcome the runners.
Apparently Pres. JIM recently visited St. Louis, and during a tour of the Cardinals stadium, got to visit and explore the Cardinals' dugout. Must be a thrill to walk the floors that Albert Pujols spit on.
Our speaker was Kristi Meyer, from the Madison Fresh Market, and she told us about the plans and progress for their Freshmobile. There are areas in Madison where fresh food is hard to come by - no stores in walking distance, and many inhabitants without cars to get them to stores. They are planning to have a large refrigerated semi-trailer, which they can us to visit these areas and make fresh produce available. They are planning a low-overhead operation (fund raising to get the trailer, for one thing) so that they can keep the prices affordable, will schedule the visits so residents know when they'll be there, and will have a walk-through display. Food stamps will be accepted, and they are working to find out exactly what residents want, and when. Hopefully, this will make some changes in eating habits, by making more healthy food available. The editor didn't ask, but if they have a sound system we hope they won't play “Turkey In The Straw.” Those few of us who can remember a time when there weren't two or three cars in every garage and you depended on the “grocery boy” and his wooden folding boxes will be better able to understand the dilemma of someone who doesn't have a car in an age when everything is miles away, and this sounds like it could help.
Stay cool, and we hope to see you at the meeting on July 3. In this case, “no fireworks” is a good thing.