Next Meeting - Feb. 21. Our speaker will be Kati Sullivan, from the Badger Chapter of the American Red Cross, and the subject is "Citizen CPR." They keep changing and improving the ways of giving CPR, and obviously we are all better off if everyone knows at least something about how to do it, so we think that this program will combine those two things. JACK HEIM is the Program Host.
At the last meeting, Pres. JIM presided, and for the first time in a long while we heard the ring of the bell. After a brief attempt at changing the song, RICK DALUGE, who was visiting us as a rep from the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, used his considerable vocal talent to lead the standard "America". We did pretty well with that, and then SCOTT GROVER gave the invocation.
It seemed almost crowded, as we were fortunate enough to have several guests: Jackie Witkowski and JERRY RABBACH from the Eye Bank, and Chris Snyder and Muki Sahin, introduced by SCOTT GROVER.
GAIL STIRR gave a last-minute update on her Cycle For Sight team, who combined exercise with fund-raising last Saturday in an indoor bike ride to benefit eye research at UW. Hopefully the participants will have gotten their breath back by next Tuesday, and we'll find out how it went.
Our Conventions Chairman JOHN JENSON noted that the two annual Spring events are coming up. District Convention is March 9-10 at the Middleton Marriott, and State (Multiple District) Convention is May 17-18 in Green Bay. The Club will pay the registration and lunch fees for members who attend, and this is your chance to get a wider view of Lionism in action. Sign up with JOHN.
Pres. JIM reported a successful vision screening, done in cooperation with HeadStart. Several children were identified as needing further eye exams and testing.
JODI BURMESTER said we had received another check from our Gum Ball project, this time for $1804.00. This is one of our oldest fund-raisers, for which we currently do very little work. If you look around, you'll see gum machines in various locations, with a placard saying that they benefit the Lions Club. They certainly do - we've received thousands of $$ over the years. All we have to do is point out locations where a machine might go. The distributor does all the rest, supplying and replenishing the machines, and sends us commission checks. If you know of someplace where a machine might go, talk to JODI, or Sec. JOHN.
JODI introduced our speaker, District Governor NEIL WINCHELL from the Hazel Green Club, and he is, as advertised, a great speaker. He told of his meeting the new International President TAM WING-KUN, and presented Pres. JIM with pins from the International President and his own DG pin for this year. He also gave SCOTT GROVER a couple of awards for his work with the East Side Lions. For the newer members, some of us used to wear gold vests festooned with pins from all over everywhere. It added to the fun part of being a Lion, but you had to be careful not to fall off the pier at Lions Camp.
DG NEIL went on to discuss the "bigger picture" of Lionism - 1.3 million members worldwide, the parade at the International Convention which was 6 hours long, and the excitement in seeing and meeting people assembled from all over the world in support of Lion service. He reminded us that all we do in Lions contributes to that big organization, which can and does deliver aid wherever it is needed. People like us - in communities - are the ones who do it. He talked about our Lions Camp at Rosholt, where for one week the campers are not "handicapped", they are just like everyone else. It costs us $600/wk. for a camper, and it is free to them. He said today's young people don't care about vests and pins, but they do care about service, and in many cases join Lions as couples. (Quick way to build membership- Ed.) Lion-sponsored food banks are increasing in number, as there is a growing need.
On that note, Pres. JIM said our Flower Sale is coming up, and JODI reminded us that the Lion car license plate is now available, and provides an automatic donation to WLF with each renewal. You do have to apply in advance of your renewal date. JODI also said that there will be a Youth Exchange visit and camp in Wisconsin this summer. Talk to her about either. Or both.