Next Meeting - Sept. 20, at the Edgewater. Inside. JACK HEIM got the program and PHIL INGWELL will introduce the speaker, who will be William Graczyk, from the Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library. With all of the electronic gizmos around these days, it's easy to forget that there have been good ways for the visually impaired to get things to “read”, and it looks as though we're going to hear about some that are readily available.
Last Time - We met on the Edgewater Pier, in bright sunlight and light wind, and enjoyed munchies, veggies, sweets and beverages, and a lot of conversation with Lion friends. Pres. JIM sort of convened a meeting, but between the buzz of conversation, the (loud) whisper of the wind, and the drone of the ventilator fan overhead, it was limited to a series of announcements, most of them important.
Sec. JOHN JENSON presented a plaque of recognition from the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, which he had accepted on our behalf at their annual meeting, thanking our Club for our support. “Because of what we do today, someone will see tomorrow.” It was also noted that at the same meeting, our PP, PDG and PID PHIL INWELL received the Knight of Sight Award for all he has done in support of the Eye Bank. PHIL is darn near everywhere.
JOHN also presented a membership key to SCOTT GROVER, recognizing the new Lions he has brought in, presumably to the new East Lions Club, for which he is a Guiding Lion. New members are the lifeblood of any organization, and when you introduce someone to Lions, you give them both the opportunity to serve and the opportunity to learn, through Club activities and also through the many leadership and life skills training sessions that are available through Lions.
Speaking of SCOTT GROVER, which we do frequently, he apparently has a few of the rare MCLC/LEBW Golf Outing shirts with the Lion logo on them that are available for purchase. Get yours quick, while they last. They'll be collectors' items soon.
Every year at this event, LINDA BERGREN bestows a special honor on some Lion, presenting them with the “Pain In The Butt Award.” Sometimes she says why they got it, sometimes it's obvious, but this time your editor couldn't hear her explanation or figure out the reason, but the recipient was - wait for it - SCOTT GROVER. Some people will do almost anything to get their name in the BULLetin. But any kind of recognition is a positive, right?
LINDA also said we would be having a Holiday Treat sale again this year, but product will not arrive until after Thanksgiving. A product list and order blank will be forthcoming - don't know when.
JOHN JENSON finally got his Lion Birthday gift from PHIL STOWITTS. Apparently it rode around in JERRY HODDINOTT'S car, and then in JIM SCHUTZ'S, for weeks until JOHN turned up at our meeting now that golf season is winding down. Fortunately mustard keeps.
Apparently some new kind of fund-raiser is in the works, but the details are still classified. Pres. JIM found it necessary to consult some State office for “clarification”, but apparently he got the standard State output in reply, “obfuscation.” No doubt we will eventually find out what's up, and hopefully it will even be legal. Maybe Lions GROVER, RUNDELL, SCHAEFFER and BASFORD are going to turn their regular poker game into a casino.