Next: Our last meeting of the calendar year - Tuesday, Dec. 21 at the Edgewater. The speaker will be one of our own - JACK HEIM. The exact nature of the presentation has not been disclosed to the Editor, but it will be interesting and informative.
Evelyn Otterback sends her greetings to all her old friends in Madison Central Lions. She's staying in the home that she and HAL shared, and said that she missed the news in the Lions Tale. So, the editor sent her a few back issues to bring her up to date, and we'll keep her in the loop after this. I'm sure she'd appreciate hearing from our Lion members.
At our last meeting, the sounds of the season greeted the arriving Lions and guests, as the brass quintet played familiar tunes while we started our lunch. (For once, a program the editor had no trouble hearing!) When the music stopped, Pres. JIM SCHUTZ opened the meeting. We had a professional musician to lead the song, LINDA BERGREN'S guest Mike George, and we hope his reputation is still intact. MICHELLE VETTERKIND gave the invocation.
There were a number of guests, but the editor didn't get any guest cards, so is relying on his notes, his hearing, and his memory, none of which guarantee anything. DALE MUELLER brought his wife Gwen; JIM KEMMETER brought his wife Cathy; JIM SCHUTZ brought wife Jaquie and daughter Emily, and also Doug Mahaffey and Ray Myers; LINDA BERGREN had a number of guests including husband David York and, from the School Music Assn. Mike George. SPARKY WATTS, whom we hadn't seen in a while, made a welcome appearance, and there were a few more. If we get any more names we'll run them next time. We had some more music and a little carol singing after the business meeting.
As you receive this Tale, we will be finishing up a four-day Vision Screening session with Head Start, anticipating about 100 children. We usually find a small number of subjects in need of referral to a specialist, which is what it's all about. Vision problems are often much easier to correct if caught early.
Pres. JIM called on Sec. PDG JOHN JENSON to make an award, and JOHN surprised editor TERRY SCHAR by presenting him with the Membership Advancement Key for having sponsored five new members. TERRY noted that it took him a while to reach five, and that three of them, DALE MUELLER, WALT PRIDHAM and GAIL STIRR, were present at the meeting. (Editor said "first, second and last" and was promptly corrected by PHIL INGWELL to "first, second and most recent", so I guess that means I have to keep at it.) My hope is always that the Lions I sponsor will find the experience as fulfilling as I have. I know I've gotten a lot out of being a Lion, and I hope that I've contributed in return. One thing I've found out - you never run out of opportunities to "do something for someone else." And there are lots of ways to do just that.
SCOTT GROVER says there are still opportunities to serve by working the Kohl Center Concession stand. The more shifts MCLC Lions, families and friends work, the more our Club service funds benefit. So, by selling popcorn and such you are saving sight, fighting disease and aiding disaster victims worldwide. Sign up on our website or talk to SCOTT.
The District Governor will pay us an official visit at our meeting on Feb. 15. He is one of our links to Lionism all over Wisconsin and the rest of the world, and he spends his year visiting every Club in his District and participating in the administration of Wisconsin Lions. It's a lot of work. Your editor started out being very parochial in outlook, but came to realize how much more is accomplished by Lions in large numbers working together. Every Lion should be proud of their membership in a world-wide organization that constantly finds new ways to help others, and that is ready with help when it is needed.
From the Officers and Directors of Madison Central Lions Club, and the Lions Tale Editor, a wish for a Merry Christmas, a happy Holiday Season, and a Happy New Year to all. (Especially for the Badgers in the Rose Bowl.) May the coming year bring you good things, and may you find satisfaction in your Lion membership.