Next Meeting - Tuesday, July 20. Pres. JIM SCHUTZ advises that he will continue the practice of having the third Tuesday meeting be a Club business meeting, and so we can expect that he will get down to business. He has a tough act to follow, a lot harder than the last time, but he's been there before and he's up for it. No doubt he will have some goals to set for us - we'll see. We will install the entire cast of characters, but it won't take long since most of them are familiar with the spot they're in. However, all incoming officers and directors will please make it to the meeting, so we can make you legitimate. Even the TailTwister.

Board of Directors will meet on the fourth Tuesday noon, July 27 in this case.

We ring the Salvation Army bells for Christmas In July, on the 15th. Our station is in front of Macy's at Hilldale, and we have two-hour shifts from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. DALE MUELLER is the new Head Bell Ringer, but we think JODI has the list. If you signed up, show up. You know the drill.


One of our officers is Treasurer Scott Grover. He's actually been Treasurer for several months, as our previous Treasurer is now living in New York City. PLEASE SEND YOUR DUES CHECKS TO:

282 Dewey Street
Oregon, WI 53575

Or use the return envelope he hands/sends out with the dues invoices. IF YOU ARE ISSUING CHECKS BY COMPUTER, OR IF YOUR COMPANY IS SENDING THEM, PLEASE CHECK TO BE SURE YOU HAVE THE CURRENT ADDRESS. A few payments have already made the trip out to NYC and back, and that is not a good thing for anyone except possibly the USPS. Thank You!!!

Our last meeting began with new President JIM SCHUTZ wielding the gavel. (Note - there is no comma after "One Nation" in the Pledge.) LINDA BERGREN led the singing in good pitch, and ROSS ROYSTER offered the invocation. Prez JIM's first order of business was to thank PP JODI for her efforts the past two years. She's kept us going strong, and laid lots of groundwork for future progress. THANKS, JODI!!

UW Concession Chairman SCOTT GROVER says we will have a new, bigger and better stand at Camp Randall this fall, which means more sales, which will require a few more workers, and means more commissions for our service funds. He also needs a couple volunteers for Stand Manager. See/call him.

Golf Outing Chairman DON FENNO reminds us that the Eye Bank Outing will be on Aug. 23. Come and play, bring guests, and we need hole sponsors ($150) and gifts for raffle prizes. JODI, introduced for 1 announcement, rattled off three: Salvation Army bell ringing, Transplant Games July 31(Lions are "sponsoring the Finish Lion" and need volunteer workers, and Lions are working on the Wis. Diabetes Focus Group to bring more awareness and info to the public about this disease, its treatment and prevention, and the damage it can do if not detected and treated. There are four public conferences upcoming around the State and one is in Madison next Tuesday night (same day as our meeting.) It's at the Sheraton Hotel on John Nolen Drive, starts at 5:30 and runs until 8:00. Free, of course, and anyone with concerns about diabetes should go. We sometimes almost forget about our Sight Conservation project, but we were reminded by the reading of a "thank you " letter from "Laura." She needed new glasses and we provided them, and she wanted us to know how much they did for her and how appreciative she was. "We Serve!" We also heard that former MCLC Lion and Past President DON GOLEMBIEWSKI has been elected Pres. of his new Club in Spring Green. Old Monarchs never lose their mane interest.

Our speaker was Susan Schmitz, head of Downtown Madison, Inc. and member of a 150-yr.Madison clothing business family, who now devotes her efforts to the health and vitality of "Downtown." They concentrate on Economic Development, Transportation and Parking, Quality of Life, Government Relations, Safety and Membership Development. All are important to Madison's success. See