Next Meeting – May, already – the 4th, to be exact. Former Lion LuAnn Paepke is bringing us a program about “Badger Bots.” This is a group of students who entered a national contest about robotics, and their product won the regional contest. We will hear what it does, and how, and more about the contest. At the moment, what your editor wants to hear is that they’ve developed one that can either mow lawns or wash windows, or both.
Pres. JODI opened our last meeting (she’s had a lot of practice, and it shows. We don’t miss the officer we used to have – Lion Tamer), JIM SCHUTZ led us in song (!) and DALE MUELLER gave the invocation. The Lion Spotlight fell on our revered TailTwister TOM “Doc” STEVENS, and we learned that his ancestry is Polish, and he grew up in a Polish neighborhood in Chicago. His grandparents actually sailed past the Statue of Liberty and entered the US through Ellis Island. He went to Medical School at Northwestern University and served in the Viet Nam war as a medical officer. He and Marian celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this year, and they have 2 children and 4½ grandchildren. He supposedly had retired from the UW Medical School, but fortunately his expertise has not been lost as he continues to practice ½ time. Nothing in that background, however, explains how he got to be so good at being TailTwister. Must be a gift.
Pres. JODI called our meeting to formal status to present a Melvin Jones Fellowship, LCIF’s highest award for human service, to Steve Keip, the Edgewater’s Director of Sales and Catering. He has been our host for years, and not only provided us with a great meeting site and lunches but has assisted our activities in many ways. His office has been a depot for our candy sales, has provided space for our rose depot, facilitated many of our special meetings and social events. Those who have served as Club officers and chairpersons of social events have known that Steve could be counted on to make things go well, and his help has had a lot to do with the success of our fundraisers, and consequently our service work.
Pres. JODI then thanked JERRY HODDINOTT and MELISSA NOVINSKI for their work in managing our Flower Sale. It seems that one of our premier deliverypersons, JIM BRADLEY, was stranded in Amsterdam by the volcanic ash airline crisis, and so JODI and MICHELLE VETTERKIND stepped in and got the job done. DAN STOUDT and JOHN JENSON also were high-volume deliverers. High points – We sold 490 bouquets, everything we ordered, plus 5 out of 8 extra mixed-flower bouquets that we got by the suppliers’ mistake – all but one or two of the deliveries were completed on Monday – 26 Lions and 3 alumni made sales – 21 Lions made deliveries, led by JERRY, MELISSA, GAIL STIRR and SCOTT GROVER, who ran the depot, parceled out the orders and took care of the loose ends – we stand to make close to $7,000 USD for our service work (hint: get your money in) if everyone pays up. ROSS ROYSTER led with $878 in sales, and DAN STOUDT, JIM SCHUTZ, CRAIG BUTLER, GAIL STIRR, MELISSA NOVINSKI, SUE SABIN and STEVE BRIGGS were the other sales leaders and they, plus former Lions Don Neviaser and Dave Mies, made about 75% of the total sales. 18 other Lions and one alumnus also made sales or donations. As usual, event treasurer MELISSA NOVINSKI provided a complete and detailed report. Sure makes the editor’s job easier ! It’s good to see how many of our active Lions had a part (or, in some cases, parts) in this project.
The new Madison East Lions Club has found about ten members so far, and is in operation as a Branch Club under our Club until they reach the required number of 20. They’re working on that.
CRAIG BUTLER is looking for a half-dozen or so good Lions to help with a door-to-door membership canvass in our downtown area. It worked fairly well for the new East club, and it will help us gain some new members. Let CRAIG know that you will help.
DALE MUELLER is heading our Salvation Army kettle project, and they are doing a “Christmas In July” kettle drive, because in these times there are a lot of folks in need. DALE will have more info on where and when shortly, but save some time between July 9 and July 17.
Pun jabs of the week: No matter how much you push the envelope, it'’ll still be stationery.
A grenade thrown into a French kitchen would result in linoleum blownapart.