Next Meeting - Tuesday, April 6 - Speaker for the day will be our own Lion JACK HEIM. JACK recently retired his faithful guide Walker, and went to California to get a new guide. He will tell us about the process, and introduce Guillermo, his new companion and guide. For those of us not fluent in Spanish, Guillermo will often be referred to as "G". (Not to be confused with our senior member "Mr. G.") It is amazing to see what these guides can do, and it will be a fascinating story. Assigned reading in preparation is Jack's blog on the trip, which can be found on our Club web site.
At our last meeting, Pres. JODI got an early start, and proceeded to handle a lengthy agenda with aplomb and dispatch. JIM SCHUTZ led the singing of "America" and PHIL INGWELL gave the invocation. We had several guests - DG RICK DALUGE; 2nd VDG NEIL WINCHELL; BARBARA TOOSLEY AND DICK SILVEIRA, visiting Lions from the global membership team; and Jeff Schneider, who had seen our web page and come to visit. There were 19 MCLC Lions and the 5 guests present.
Pres. JODI unloaded $150 worth of candy at the Convention, bringing our total over $1000. At the Convention banquet, International President's Certificates of Appreciation were presented to JODI and SCOTT GROVER for their many contributions to Lion service. A well-deserved recognition for two Lions who make Lionism work in our area.
The list of nominations for Club officers and directors for the coming year was read: President, JIM SCHUTZ; Vice Presidents LINDA BERGREN and PHIL INGWELL; Secretary, JOHN JENSON; Treasurer, SCOTT GROVER; TailTwister, JERRY HODDINOTT; Membership Director CRAIG BUTLER; and Directors JACK HEIM, JIM KEMMETER and GAIL STIRR. MICHELLE VETTERKIND continues as a director and JODI BURMESTER will be Past President. There being no nominations from the floor, it was moved, seconded and passed that the Secretary record a unanimous vote for all nominees.
JIM KEMMETER pointed out that in his bio in the last Tale, your editor had him fighting the wrong war. His Navy service was off the coast of Viet Nam. He also noted that MCLC Lions had made several trips for the Eye Bank this month, and assigned some more on the spot. They ranged from local to Beaver Dam and Johnson Creek, and as usual our Lion transporters came through. SCOTT GROVER has special pins for those who have served as transporters - see him if you're eligible.
Lion Birthdays were celebrated by SCOTT GROVER (10 years), LINDA BERGEN (14), JODI BURMESTER (17), ROSS ROYSTER (29), JIM BRADLEY (33), RICH MATZELLE (39), PHIL INGWELL (43), all present except RICH, who is a ways away but sent a gift anyway. Years of service were also noted for SUE SABIN (3), LOUISE FRITZ (6), and JIM RUNDELL (48), who was in CA.
Lions from many clubs will be working at Copp's and Pick N'Save stores on April 16 to assist in a joint food drive to help supply the food pantries in our area. The need is greater than ever, and your help is needed. It gives us a chance to serve, and also to be seen. There are 281 two-hour shifts to fill, and there will be tables and chairs at each spot so you can get off your feet if you need to. Come and help fill the barrels and hand out Lion information at the same time. Wear some type of Lion clothing, so that we are recognized. There is a link to the sign-up on our web site - SIGN UP NOW! If you don't do internet, contact JODI. Or our WebWizard, SCOTT GROVER. SCOTT needs some workers for the Concession Stand at the Spring Football Game, too. April 17.
Make one last push for our Flower Sale, and get the orders in to JERRY HODDINOTT. By the time you read this Tale the orders are due, so phone JERRY with numbers if you haven't turned them in. Don't forget he is our incoming TaleTwister, and we know he has a long memory. Besides that, the recipients will get some beautiful flowers and the buyers will score points with them and help our work at the same time. The delivery depot will be at the Edgewater. Don't forget vases.
The USA-Canada Forum is in Milwaukee in September, and our Club will pay $50 of the registration fee for any member who wants to attend AND volunteer. This is a great opportunity to hear some excellent speakers and presentations - ideas you can use every day, so go if you possibly can. They could use some more help, too - see PHIL INGWELL, JODI or JOHN JENSON about that.
Pun Jab of the week - A rubber band pistol was confiscated in algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption.