ROBERT P. "BOB" BOHN, Lion since April, 1969 and President of MCLC in 1983-84, died Saturday, Dec. 6, 2009 of leukemia. Also recently known as "Vicar Bob", he was an active Lion all the way, and one of those who could always be counted on when a Lion project was going on. His last attendance, about 3 weeks ago, was partly to be sure that the Salvation Army bell-ringing project of which he had been Chairman for the past several years was properly taken care of. (It is - we have Lions on duty for all of the two days for which we committed, ringing this time in Bob's honored memory.) His new nickname stemmed from his work as Invocations Chairman, lining up Lions to help in this small but important detail of our meetings and filling in himself when necessary. Bob was a hard worker, a distance runner by avocation, and an active participant in our Club. Your editor fondly remembers a number of times when Bob gave some verbal jab at something in the BULLetin during a meeting, knowing full well that the editor would have a riposte in the next issue, and simply trying to stir things up a little to keep the Club lively and interesting. He will be missed by all who knew him.

Our next meeting, on Tuesday Dec. 15, will be one of Pres. JODI's business meetings, and we can expect to hear about some projects planned for early next year, as well as what's been going on lately. Board members please remember that the Board will meet immediately after the regular meeting.

At the last meeting, we had a nice crowd of about 30 or so Lions and guests. JODI presided, JIM SCHUTZ led a robust version of " America," and LINDA BERGREN gave the invocation. Guests included her husband, Dave York, and two friends, and TOM STEVENS brought his wife, Marian. Good thing, too, as we shall see. TOM had a Santa hat when he passed the collection bucket, but it was for our server staff at the Edgewater, in appreciation of all they do for us. Steve Kipe, Catering Manager, accepted and promised an equitable distribution. He says they enjoy having us meet there.

SCOTT GROVER says we still need volunteers for the Kohl concession stand. He's heard from his predecessor as Treasurer, MELISSA ABBOTT, and apparently she at least has a roof over her head in the Big Apple.

Our newest member, KIM KOSTER, sponsored by JOHN JENSON, was formally inducted by PID PHIL INGWELL. KIM is a nurse at Dean Clinic at 1313 Fish Hatchery Rd., office phone 252-7735. She lives at 4727 Star Spangled Trail, Madison, 53718, phone 358-2550. Her E-mail address is: Welcome, KIM!

DON FENNO and SUE SABIN accepted, on behalf of the Lions' Eye Bank of Wisconsin, a check for $5000 from our Club, coming in part from the Golf Outing. They thanked us for the gift, and also for taking over the sponsorship of the Golf Outing, which now benefits both the Eye Bank and our Club.

PDG JOHN JENSON conducted an awards ceremony, presenting Melvin Jones Fellowships, the highest recognition from Lions International Foundation, to JIM KEMMETER and TOM "DOC" STEVENS. JIM has served as dispatcher, a vital link in the operation, of the courier system when it is our turn to transport eye tissue for the Eye Bank, and is a Past President of our Club. He also was instrumental in establishing our MCLC Foundation, which handles our service funds. TOM STEVENS has done an outstanding job as Tail Twister the past couple years, displaying both persistence and innovation. He's a lot more fun than the IRS, and arguably has the most difficult officer position on the Board of Directors. Our congratulations and thanks for jobs well done go to JIM and TOM.

Your editor was seated at the table nearest our program performers, and finally had a program in which he could hear everything. We were promised a brass quartet, but as usual LINDA BERGREN went one step farther, and we got a quintet. They call themselves the "Forward Brass", after the State Motto, and are made up of two trumpets, a trombone, a French horn and a tuba. The leader noted that he still remembered that the Lions Club sponsored the youth baseball team he played on. They treated us to a great selection of holiday and show music, much enjoyed by all.