Next Meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 3. A program meeting, normally, but this time the program will be about the USA-Canada Forum. The attendees will share some of the information they got at the Forum - there's always lots of good stuff - and we'll also hear how we can help out at the 2010 Forum, which will be just over the hill in Milwaukee. A golden opportunity for our Lions to participate in one of these invaluable sessions.
Lions gathered for munchies and spirits last Tuesday evening, and good cheer abounded. LINDA BERGREN was in charge, and the legendary "Pain In The Butt" award went to STEVE BRIGGS for his constant efforts to obtain perfect pitch for the song.
On the serious side, MELISSA ABBOTT got a Birch-Sturm Fellowship for her work as Treasurer (tedious and up 'til now thankless job) and SUE SABIN and DON FENNO were honored with Knight of Sight Awards for their work at, and in support of, the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin. SCOTT GROVER received a new "Lion Speak" award for maintaining and expanding our electronic communications with the membership. (He converts the Tale to the electronic and photo-enhanced version that's on the web, among other things.) We hear the conversation and the food were both excellent! Lion Birthdays were celebrated for MELISSA ABBOTT and DALE MUELLER in person, and the 40 years of service given by both DALE ST. JOHN and HAL OTTERBACK were honored, although they don't travel well enough at the moment to be with us.
At our last regular meeting, which seems longer ago than it was, JOHN JENSON presided, because a lot of important folks were at a Forum Committee meeting in Milwaukee. He had no trouble remembering the drill, and LINDA BERGREN led the song and SCOTT GROVER gave the invocation. We had one guest - Kim Koster from the Dean Clinic was back, reintroduced by JOHN JENSON with the good news that her membership application is wending its way through the formalities so she can join us!
MELISSA ABBOTT told us the good news - her job search has been successful - and the bad news - the new job is in New York City. So, she'll be leaving us shortly, and SCOTT GROVER has agreed to take over as Interim Treasurer. Being a computer wizard, he probably can make Quick Books work, which is more than your editor could ever do.
Our radio public relations campaign is still running, with spots on Magic 98 in the PM and WTDY in the AM telling about Lions and what we do for our community. Lets hope a lot of good people hear them! The Club has spent $600 to keep them on the air for an extended time - a good move, because it's hard to make yourself seen or heard without some time on the mass media.
CRAIG BUTLER was the Lion of the Week, for his work on a recent Vision Screening session. This is a hands-on project we can all help with, and if we find even one kid with a problem that can still be corrected, we've done a great thing.
The Service Club Luncheon will be at the Alliant Center on Nov. 18. Olympic skater Casey Fitz-Randolph is the featured speaker, and LINDA BERGREN can get you a ticket. Chance to visit with members of other service clubs and hear a good program.
There has been much said about differences between the current generations and earlier ones, in both style and substance, and the need for changes in approach by Lions Clubs and other organizations in order to attract membership and participation. Certainly, there has been an explosion in interpersonal communications by internet and by what used to be called telephones. There is also much talk about Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, Millennials, etc., and certainly today's lifestyles are much different than they were 50 years ago when your editor joined the Lions Club. The editor has concluded that he is now a member of Generation GG. (You figure it out.)
Quotes from the British Royal Navy's officer reviews (allegedly.):
"His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity."
"This man is depriving a village somewhere of its idiot."
"Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap."
Plan Ahead, But Hurry! The Kohl Center Basketball schedule is available. We need your help! Volunteer now for the games you can work.