Special Edition - This issue of the Lions Tale is electronic only, as there isn't time to get one thru the mails before our AWARDS NIGHT, next Tuesday, Oct. 27. We will be in the Rigadoon Room at the Edgewater at 6 PM, for munchies, conversation, and a few ceremonial things. The Club is providing the food for members, spouses, and prospective members, and there will be a cash bar. LINDA BERGREN is in charge.
Lion Birthdays will be celebrated by MELISSA ABBOTT 6, CHARLIE LIBERTY 13, MARSHALL FLAX 17, WALT PRIDHAM 28, BILL WILCOX 33, HAL OTTERBACK 40, DALE ST. JOHN 40, GLENN SCHAEFER 41, ARNIE LAMBERG 42, DALE MUELLER 44 and ED NEESE 54. That's a ton of Lion service, and we are hopeful that many of these veteran Lions will be with us. Those celebrating will please remember to bring a small gift for the drawing.
We won't have MELISSA ABBOTT for long, though. The job search has paid off for her, if not for us, because she's taking a new position and it's in New York City. So it's "Goodby and Good Luck". SCOTT GROVER has agreed to be the replacement Treasurer, at least for the moment.
At the last meeting, Membership Director CRAIG BUTLER told us that there'd be some sharing of information he'd received at recent training sessions on membership. Obviously, the times, they are a'changin, and many people seem to center their lives around electronic communication, cell phones that take pictures, surf the internet, and send text messages, Facebook, Twitter, etc. etc. etc. Next, I suppose, is some sort of brain implant to enable one to do all these things without some kind of black box. And some volunteerism is changing - people commit to one-time projects, but not to long-term efforts. Short attention spans, perhaps? At any rate, Lions Clubs have to figure out how to lead this next batch, because they do have the energy and the smarts to get things done, and in most cases there is a willingness to help others. The first step, though, is to attract them to Club membership by finding ways to use their communications networks and present the opportunities for service, and for personal benefits, that we have. Sounds like we start at the next regular meeting next month.
It was also announced that guest Kim Koster has turned in her application for membership. She found us online, and appears eager to serve.
The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 3. Apparently we will also get a full report on the USA-Canada Forum. Everyone, including your editor, who has attended one has come back saying it was one of the most worthwhile things they'd ever done, and we're sure this one was no exception. There is a lot of information offered that is valuable in Lions, in your work, your everyday life, and those who went this time will share some if with us.
The Forum will be in Milwaukee next year, and PHIL INGWELL says you can save forty bucks if you pre-register, which includes all of the presentations and several meals. Anyone who can possibly go, should go. You will get a lot out of it. Milwaukee Lions will need some help, too, in doing all the things that make a meeting of three thousand people, more or less, go smoothly. Look for opportunity to volunteer to help. Last time the Forum was in Milwaukee, there was a Lions 'welcome station' at the Interstate rest stop around Lake Mills, which your editor and some others helped staff. You meet a lot of nice people. Of course, if you work at the Forum site, you meet a lot more of them.
Come to the party next Tuesday night - 6 PM at the Edgewater, Rigadoon Room, and enjoy some munchies and conversation with your Lion friends. Bring your spouse or significant other, and anyone who might be a prospective member, and have a good time!
Plan Ahead, But Hurry! The Kohl Center Basketball schedule is available. We need your help! Volunteer now for the games you can work.