Coming Soon to a Hotel Near You — August, already, and our next meeting is Aug. 4. PHIL INGWELL is our Program Host, and he will introduce a young man whom our Club sponsored to the recent Badger Boys and Girls State. We’ll hear about this program, to which we have sponsored participants off and on for years, and how much the young people involved learn about how State government really works. Your editor will pass on this obvious opportunity for comment, but the young people who take part in this are some of the best and brightest, and let’s hope they go on to participate for real, and improve the process as they do it.

Coming Soon to a Golf Course Near You — On Monday, Aug. 24 at the Oaks in Cottage Grove, our Golf Outing, sponsored jointly by, and for the benefit of, our Club and the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin. DON FENNO is our point man on this project and CRAIG BUTLER is making up the players list. Contact either to participate, and this is a good chance to invite non-members to play and learn about Lions in the process. DON could use some event help from our Club members, and also is looking for prize donations and/or hole sponsorships. This is our opportunity to build an annual event that will give people a chance to have some fun and help us out at the same time.

Get Well Quick — DALE ST. JOHN is out of the hospital and recuperating from back surgery at the Oakwood East Rehabilitation Center. Latest report is that it was a success, but he’s going to have to spend some time working himself back into shape. If all goes well he’ll be home next week. HAL OTTERBACK was hospitalized again briefly but is now back at Oak Park Center. He has rehab in the morning and is pretty tired in the afternoon, but Evelyn says "if he’s asleep, wake him up!" KAREN AL-ASHKAR is battling an obstreperous gall bladder — home and feeling better, but some more surgery ahead. We don’t want her to leave town, but not at this price. Apparently the doc had the gall to suggest she’d have to wait until September. Forced inactivity is certainly adding insult to injury in her case. Call her up and commiserate.

Welcome Our Newest Member — GAIL STIRR. Her app/proposal has cleared through all the administrative process, and she’'s officially on board. Make sure you meet her at our next meeting, and if you are a committee chairperson looking for workers, here’s one!

Aging process on hold — for various reasons, MICHELLE VETTERKIND wasn’t able to do the Lion Birthdays at the last meeting, so it’s rescheduled for next time. Lions who are celebrating: SAL AL-ASHKAR 15 years; MICHELLE VETTERKIND 17 years; GREG MILLER and JIM SCHUTZ 28 years; JIM KEMMETER 29 years and WARREN RANDY 41 years. Lots of Lion service in that list!

Last Meeting — Pres. JODI had some difficulty getting the Lions to stop roaring, but once she succeeded things got off to a good start with JIM SCHUTZ leading the song and PHIL INGWELL giving the invocation. Lion JERRY PADGHAM from the West Lions was in the building negotiating for a class reunion space, and so he joined us for lunch.

SCOTT GROVER said we need workers for the UW Concession stand at the Badger football games. Same location as last year, and you can \sign up on the web\ or contact SCOTT. This is a way to raise some money for our service and have a good time working with other Lions as you do it. JODI pointed out that you can make it a family outing — family members (must look at least 16) are more than welcome to help out, and the more Madison Central reps we get there the bigger our slice of the income becomes. We need it — our five-year commitment of a $10,000 donation to the Eye Bank Capital Fund was approved by vote of the members present.

The new officers and directors were formally installed — look out, world, here they come! The installing PP pointed out that the officers and directors plan and decide, but the whole Club membership has to help get things done. Volunteer, don’t wait to be asked! (Besides, that way you can get to do the things you like to do.)

PHIL INGWELL reported on the International Convention — he was on the podium for the Resolutions Comm. and they all passed. Wis. Lions won Parade prizes, and world-wide service was on display.

The Football Season Approaches! While not our biggest fund-raiser, our work for the W Club does bring in a fair amount of funds to be spent for our Lion projects. We need your help! \Volunteer\ now for the games you can work.

What's happening at the Edgewater? Read this WSJ story and find out.

Pomo on Golf - watch this video.