Next Up — Our business meeting for this month, on Tuesday, July 21, at the Edgewater, at noon. You knew that - just a reminder. We’ll hear the details of our budgets for next year, probably some remarks on what Pres. JODI hopes we will accomplish, perhaps some committee personnel announcements, most likely reports on the Lions International Convention at Minneapolis, and install the Club officers for the coming year. We’ve got a veteran group, who have stepped up to fill our leadership positions. We’ll also have Lion Birthday celebrations, led by MICHELLE VETTERKIND. Six members, totaling 158 years of Lion service.

Who’s Up — By the time you read this, DALE ST. JOHN should have made it back to the Oakwood East Rehab facility. His back surgery was successful, but he has some exercising to do to get him up and running again. HAL OTTERBACK is doing pretty well at Oak Park Place. Stop in and see them. Bernie Stoudt is recovering from successful open heart surgery, and DAN is sharpening homemaking skills he didn’t know he had.

Step Up! — Pres. JODI and the VPs are putting together the lists of the committees that do the work of the Club. The officers can propose and plan, but it is the membership that must put in the effort to make it all come true. Every committee contributes to the work of the Club, and every job needs some- one to do it, and every member can find some things on the list, hopefully more than one, that they can and would like to do. Now is the time to volunteer to get some things done. Let JODI, JIM SCHUTZ and/or PHIL INGWELL know where you’d like to do your part. Many hands make light work.

Show Up — Our Club has agreed to help Public Television at its upcoming fund drive. You get to sit in the phone bank on the TV stage and talk to the good people who are offering donations. Those who have done it say it’s fun, and it gives our Club some visibility. JODI is leading this one - see her to volunteer your help. Presumably Lion attire is desirable - we keep waiting to see JODI in a Lion vest.

Going Up? — Developers have announced plans to renovate and add to the Edgewater, and the long process of trying to build something in Madison has begun. Sounds promising, but don’t expect the barriers and the hard hats any time soon. If they succeed in building a 10 or 11 story hotel addition, it will be interesting to see how they number the floors.

Last Time — Pres. JODI opened the meeting, LINDA BERGREN led the song (the pitch sagged below her starting point, but we finished strong), and DALE MUELLER gave an invocation appropriate to the times.

We had two guests — Gwen Mueller was there with DALE, and TERRY SCHAR re-introduced Gail Stirr, from the UW Eye Research Institute. Gail’s membership application is making its way through the formalities, but she’ll soon be one of us. Our newest member, JACK HEIM, was present along with his dog guide and companion “Walker”, who is making a good recovery from surgery.

Pres. JODI surprised a couple of our members with an International President’s Certificate of Commendation, apparently a newly-created recognition. It carries IP Brandel’s “miracles through service” and “everyday heroes” themes, and they went to SCOTT GROVER, who makes our web site go and was Cabinet Secretary for our District Governor this past year; and to TERRY SCHAR, who has been there and done that in Lionism for slightly over 50 years. Much appreciated by both recipients.

First speaker, intro'd by JODI, was Past WLF Director STEVE KNAPP, who reminded us of the many avenues of service provided by the Lions of Wisconsin - Lions Camp, Hearing assistance, Vision Screening, refurbished eyeglasses, and Diabetes Awareness, which he said was led by our District 27-D1. That really means our PP SAL AL-ASHKAR, and we have to keep up the pace he set. He told us about the Pride Campaign, which is building an endowment fund to guarantee the continued operation of Lions Camp, thanked our Club for our long record of support, and pointed out the many ways to contribute. He introduced Lion GENE MILLER, a former Lions Camper and staff member, who told us how much the Camp, and other assistance along the way from Lions, had meant to him. He is part of a group working on ways to bring former campers and staffers together to help Lions spread the word about what the Camp can do for people, and by raising public awareness, increase the donations that keep the Camp going.

The Football Season Approaches! While not our biggest fund-raiser, our work for the W Club does bring in a fair amount of funds to be spent for our Lion projects. We need your help! Volunteer now for the games you can work.

What's happening at the Edgewater? Read this WSJ story and find out.

Pomo on Golf - watch this video.