What’s Next — Our regular meeting, on Tuesday, July 7, at the Edgewater. Our speakers will be Lion STEVE KNAPP, of the Lake Wisconsin Club, and Lion GENE MILLER of Middleton, who will bring us up to date on the programs, policies and status of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation. The Foundation is the vehicle for our Lion service on a statewide basis, including Lions Camp at Rosholt.

We Serve — Several Lions generously responded to the request for assistance in picking up the used eyeglasses from boxes placed by HAL OTTERBACK, who is presently unable to take care of them as he would like. Your Editor is always impressed, but not surprised, by the willingness of Madison Central Lions to do something that needs to be done. Thanks go to JOHN JENSON, MICHELLE VETTERKIND, LINDA BERGREN, CRAIG BUTLER, ROSS ROYSTER and PHIL INGWELL.

Down, But Not Out — DALE ST. JOHN is scheduled for back surgery this Thursday at the VA Hospital. He’s had a hitch in his gitalong for a while now, and we’re all hoping this will help. HAL OTTERBACK is at Oak Park Place Rehab Center, off Cottage Grove Rd. just east of the Interstate, recovering from recent strokes.

Dollars, and maybe Sense — The Board has approved operating and service budgets for this next Lion year, which starts today. The operating fund presently has a surplus in it, but the budget for this next year comes out at a deficit of around $1,500, which the surplus will more than cover. Dues remain the same. (Members can always keep tabs on the Board by reading the minutes and notes of meetings.)

The service budget actually shows a small $200 surplus, based on receipts and expenses in the $22,000 area. We have ongoing four-figure pledges to Sight First II (LCIF) and Lions Pride (WLF-Lions Camp) plus substantial amounts to WLF and the Eye Bank, in addition to our Sight Night project and funding for service by the Sight Conservation and Community Service committees.

Welcome Aboard! — JACK HEIM, who with his dog Walker has been a guest at recent meetings, has been proposed and accepted into membership in our Club. The formal induction will occur shortly, but in the interval he’s one of us and is anxious to help in our service work. Be sure to get to know him at upcoming meetings. We think CRAIG BUTLER is his sponsor. If you are a committee chair and could use some help, grab him!

One Less Hoop — The Board has decided to waive all initiation fees for new members, indefinitely. The only expense now is the quarterly membership dues, currently $85.00 (including lunches) for Active Members. Note, also, that the Club will buy lunch for a prospective member brought as a guest.


Board Meetings — will continue to be on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at the Edgewater, at noon. Except maybe on 12/22, which is currently scheduled but if the past is any guide, may not happen.

Our Picnic — came off on schedule last month. The facilities were new and nice, the food good, the fellowship warm, and the wind a tad chilly. You could tell there was a lake not far off. Few if any bugs, and those who went had a good time. Our compliments to the chef!


"In today’s world, there are too many good people with no conviction, and too many evil people with conviction. The world is crying out for leadership, which is why these are the days in which a true leader wants to live, for the opportunities to change lives and even destinies are endless."
      Sheri Dew — from "Saying It Like It Is."

Seems to us that this also applies to service.

The Football Season Approaches! While not our biggest fund-raiser, our work for the W Club does bring in a fair amount of funds to be spent for our Lion projects. Volunteer now for the games you can work.

What's happening at the Edgewater? Read this WSJ story and find out.

Pomo on Golf - watch this video.