Next Time — Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2009. Our program will be presented by one of our own, THEMIS FLORES RAMOS. Subject — “Is Inequality Making Us Sick”, it examines the effects on health care from racial and socio-economic differences. An awful lot is being said about health care, and maybe something will be done, helpful or otherwise, but as always you have to understand the problem before you can solve it, and maybe this information will help.
Soon — We have some important things coming up. Our first “Texas Hold ‘Em” Poker Tournament is coming up. It will be held at, and with great assistance from, J. T. Whitney's, and we are hoping to build it into an ongoing fund raiser. Fliers are available — get the word out. There are some great prizes. Feb. 22 is the date, starting at 3 PM. Pres JODI urged all Lions participating in this event to wear a Lion vest or other Lion attire! Don't hear that from her very often, but remember, it is important for us as Lions to be visible and identifiable when we are doing something.
District 27D1 Convention will be at the Madison Sheraton on March 13-14. The Club will pay the registration and Saturday lunch for any members attending. Sign up (a sheet will be coming, or see JOHN JENSON) and go. As SCOTT GROVER says, every member should attend the conventions. You see a whole new facet of Lionism, and realize you are a part of something big!
Later — The Multiple District (State) Convention will be in May, at the Chula Vista Resort Hotel in Wisconsin Dells. The same reasons apply here - there's a lot of Lion activity to see!
Much Later — For various reasons, our Walk For Sight has been postponed to October, the week before Halloween. More time for preparation, and it will allow us to promote our Sight Night eyeglass collection once again right before the event.
Still — LINDA BERGREN still has some Holiday Treats to sell. Take ‘em off her hands!
Money Matters — These days it really matters! SCOTT GROVER reports that the Lions work at UW Football concessions made a total of about $4400, of which about $1900 went to Madison Central's service funds. Our Club take was three times the amount in 2007, and the total about double. A great job done by a lot of Lions, families and friends!
Our Treasurer, MELISSA ABBOTT, is moving to 3055 Maple Grove Drive, Madison 53719. Correct your Directory, and if you have outstanding dues please send them to her at that address ASAP. Or sooner!
Gone — The Board has accepted the resignations of Kevin King and Wendy Wright.
LOOK! — This would be the time to ask a couple of your friends to consider joining us. Point out what we do for others, and what the experience can do for them — networking, leadership training and experience, service to others, new friends. Bring prospects to a meeting or a service function, take them on an Eye Tissue Transport run (coming again im March), or even get them to help you work a UW concession stand.
Items of Interest: HAL OTTERBACK has had a setback in his recovery - he's now getting therapy at Oakwood Village East in their rehab facility. DALE ST. JOHN brought the news - he can tell you how to visit HAL.
We Need: A few good Lions (and/or their friends and families) for about three remaining spots at the Kohl Concession Stand. This is one of our better fundraisers, and those who do it have a good time. Look at the signup page on our website or call SCOTT GROVER.
Last time — SCOTT GROVER gave a Sioux prayer as an invocation, we sang successfully, and JERRY HODDINOTT started the Flower Sale off with Commitment Forms, on which we must give him an estimate of what each of us will sell. It is very important that we order the right amount of flowers so that we don't get stuck with unsold inventory, or run short, so please consider carefully and then return the forms to him. We don't have as much flexibility in ordering product as we did in prior years. Product and prices same as last year - Roses (Red or mixed) $24/dozen; Mixed Flower Bouquet $18; Vases $4. Be sure to point out that delivery is included! The distribution center on Rose Day, April 20, will be at the Edgewater.
Honors — We honored Lion service for AL GOLDSTEIN, 48 years; JERRY H0DDIN0TT, 28 years; JOHN JENSON, 28 years; CRAIG BUTLER, 16 yrs.; MELISSA NOVINSKI, 15 yrs., DON NEVIASER, 7 yrs. JAN CICHOCKI, 2 yrs., KAREN AL-ASHKAR, 1 yr. Drawing winners were MICHELLE VETTERKIND, TERRY SCHAR, JIM SCHUTZ, JERRY MILLER, and ROSS ROYSTER.