MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC!! At our next meeting, Dec. 2, we will hear a holiday music program for trumpet and voice, presented by a pair of skilled performers. They are doing a special just for us, so we need a good crowd on hand. Be there, and bring a friend. LINDA BERGREN got us the program.
WE NEED more MCLC members at the Kohl Center Concession stand. SCOTT GROVER says the football sales were significantly up over last year, and so our income should be likewise, but we split with other clubs in direct proportion to the participation, so our own members are really needed. Friends and family can help out, and we get credit for their participation. Those who do it say it's fun, and a good group to work with. Find out how to volunteer. Our service budget needs the money.
VISION SCREENERS, and wannabe vision screeners, listen up! You have to be certified, and you have to recertify every two years, so watch for a training session early next year. This is a chance to do what Lions really do - serve, live and in person, on a project that saves eyesight for children. JIM SCHUTZ started it all, and Pres. JODI knows what's up at the District level, so see one or both to participate.
We will meet at the Edgewater as usual on Dec. 16, for our monthly "Lionism" meeting. This meeting will look to the future - Rose Day (JERRY HODDINOTT), our new "Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament" which is well along in the planning stage for a date in February at J. T. Whitney's, and the Walk for Sight, planned for East Towne Mall in the Spring. All of these will need our full support, and offer opportunities for service, so come and hear the presentations/reports/discussions.
Turns out the Madison School System did their part well in our Sight Night project, and we will shortly receive from them the glasses that were collected. We've made a start, and have something here to build on. Channel 15 gave us some media support as well.
Board of Directors meeting for December will be held in conjunction with the Dec. 16 regular meeting, either before or after. Stay tuned.
SILVER BELLS will be rung for the Salvation Army at West Towne Mall (nice and warm) on Thurs. Dec. 18. We need one additional Lion for each of the following shifts: 10AM to noon, 4-6PM, and 6-8PM. See BOB BOHN to add your name to the list.
FUN and GAMES - The District Curling Tournament is Jan. 9-11 at the Madison Curling Club, and the District Bowling Tournament is Jan. 24-25 in Beloit. If you like to throw things for fun, this is your chance. LINDA BERGREN is the Sports Chairperson, and she can get you in. JOHN JENSON probably could too.
We have lots of Holiday Treats - nuts, candy and fruit cake - available for sale. LINDA has to buy in case lots, so do your part and take the excess off her hands. She'll have them at the upcoming meetings. Pralines, pecans, almonds, trail mix, and the ever-popular malted milk balls.
At our last meeting, Pres. JODI presided, JIM SCHUTZ led the song, and ROSS ROYSTER offered one of his usual brief but on-point invocations. We heard JIM BRADLEY explain where our money is, LINDA BERGREN on the sports schedule, and PHIL INGWELL of the Community Service committee told us we are sponsoring a student to Badger Boys State and contributing some new equipment to the Volunteer Braillists of Madison. PHIL also said that the 2008 Toy Depot, run by the Empty Stocking Club for disadvantaged children, needs volunteer help at its Depot on Dec. 15, 16 and 17. See PHIL to find out how you can help out.
It should go without saying that we need new members. The Board is trying hard to line up service projects that will provide lots of ways to help out so every one is needed. Ask a friend, neighbor or business acquaintance if they'd like to be of service, or, if you are lucky enough to be called on to make an Eye Bank donation run, as them to ride along. Then ask them to join.