What’s Next — Aug. 19 — Speaker will be Elsworth Brown, Director of the Wisconsin State Historical Society. You have to know where you’ve been to be sure of where you’re at, not to mention where you’re going, and Mr. Brown will tell us all of the ways the Historical Society provides to find that out. History, the driest subject in high school, can be fascinating in real life, so come and hear about it.
What’s Coming Up — The Wisconsin Lions Eye Bank Golf outing at the Oaks in Cottage Grove on Aug. 25. See/call DON NEVIASER.
Committee Signup — Pick out your interests in Lions, and tell JODI, KAREN AL-ASHKAR or TERRY SCHAR what committees you’d like to be a part of. We need everybody to help on at least two — if you are a recent member, be sure to be on at least one of our service and one of our operating committees, so you know what we do and how we do it. If you are a senior member, be sure to be on at least one of our service and one of our operating committees. You remember what we do and how we did it, and that experience is invaluable as we move forward, even though everything isn’t going to be the same! Use the handy online volunteer form.
Wha’ Hoppened? — JOHN JENSON went all the way to Thailand to the International Convention, and returned having been formally installed as our new District Governor. He started his report with a Thai salutation, and told us that the 25,000 Lions made this the largest gathering in Thai history. The final totals for Campaign Sight First were announced. Lions all over the world, including us, contributed a total of $200,329,000USD. Lion AL BRANDEL, a retired NYPD detective, is the new International President, and one of his goals is to celebrate the service of individual Lions. Each of us plays a part, and the sum of all our efforts serves humanity.
What Now? — Our Money Raiser (of the moment) - UW Concession Stand. We need more workers — family members and friends (have to be at least age 16) are welcome. Sign up on the web or see JODI.
Not that it is anything new to us, but Lion JODI presided, Lion LINDA BERGREN led the song, and Lion MICHELLE VETTERKIND gave the invocation. Notice a consistency here? Our Club is fortunate, but our early decision to recruit the right people is paying off. Go thou and do likewise.
JIM KEMMETER was back with us, running pretty smoothly on his new ball joint. He’s had more suspension alignments than a 1995 Ford, but he keeps on trucking. Having missed his Lion Birthday while recuperating, he produced his gift, and a quick fake drawing produced a winner, DON FENNO. Proving once again that JIM never forgets!
Monica KamelRossa was the speaker, introduced by SAL AL-ASHKAR. Paralyzed from the chest down by a skiing accident several years ago, she has persevered in overcoming her disability to the point that she has been chosen "Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin" and is contending for the national title. She worked on the plans for the new playground at Elvehjem School which accommodates children with disabilities and to which our Club contributed, and she now devotes her time and energy to helping others, helping found a Spinal Cord Injury group, working with manufacturers to improve mobility devices like standing wheelchairs, working with insurance companies to expand coverage on equipment and medical procedures, and counseling and advocacy for others with similar injuries. She embodies the sayings of Winston Churchill and Jimmy Valvano — "Never Give Up!!" [Read the recent Cap Times article.] [More: Pageant article.]
At his funeral, THAYER BURNHAM’S niece, Sue Neuen, read a list of "Thayerisms." We'’re fortunate to have a copy, you’'ve seen a couple, and more will appear. They remind us of Thayer and speak for themselves.
"A yellow light does not mean "stop." It means clear the intersection."
"Getting lost... marks the beginning of a new adventure. Enjoy it!"
"Cloth napkins are classy and napkin rings are classier yet."
"Women love flowers and Godiva Chocolates. Men love their favorite libation"
"Monday night is the best night of the week with friend and live music at the Avenue Bar."
"Keep in touch with old friends. I repeat, keep in touch with old friends."
"Always choose soup over salad. Soup is boiled, and you can'’t get all the "bugs" off from lettuce."
"Tip generously. It pays off."