MICHELLE VETTERKIND is the Program Host for the meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 16, and she will introduce Capt. Shannon Kilcoyne of the Wisconsin Army National Guard. We understand she has a story or two to tell.

Don’t forget the Awards Night and social, on Tuesday, Oct. 30, at the Edgewater. We’ll start around 5 PM, have some things to munch on, have some award presentations, and MICHELLE will be at that one, too, celebrating the Lion Birthdays for August/September/October to recognize the years of service given by our Lions who joined in those months.

Prior to our last meeting, Doc TOM STEVENS was nowhere to be seen. However, some refugee from Lower Slobbovia did appear, speaking bent if not broken English, and apparently both a sartorial critic and familiar with TailTwister tactics. It seemed that absence of a tie was unacceptable, and those with- out paid the traditional quarter fine. At least the tab was affordable, and who can criticize a dress code?

Pres. DON was ill, and 1st VP JODI BURMESTER stepped up to preside. JIM SCHUTZ led the song, and ROSS ROYSTER gave one of the shortest (but still appropriate) invocations on record. That precipitated a momentary loss of control by the presiding officer, but JODI called on all that Lion training, got the Lions quieted down, and then proceeded to go through the agenda efficiently. Two of our veteran Lions, AL GOLDSTEIN and OTTO FESTGE, were present, and OTTO’s wife Evy was a welcome guest. OTTO made it through the meeting just fine, and it turned out that the fill-in speaker was an old friend and political ally, but things haven’t gone so well since, and OTTO is now in St. Mary’s hospital for tests for a possible stroke. We’ll try for a followup in a couple days, but for now keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

BOB BOHN reported that WALT PRIDHAM is on the sick list too. He had planned a trip to Tanzania, but the required immunizations nearly did him in, and he was much too ill to go. He’s home from the hospital - give him a call.

JODI reminded us of the Service Club Luncheon on Nov. 14, and announced that the Zone meeting would be on Oct. 24 at J. T. Whitney’s. She reported that the Club had received a commissions check for Gum Balls in the amount of $491.14. This has been a steady source of income for many years, totaling $149,524.27. Chew on that one for a while. If you know of a location with good foot traffic where the property management would allow a machine, let JODI know. Our Club gets commissions on any machine we place. JODI also thanked SCOTT GROVER for his continuing efforts on our Club website. Lots of information and links to more information there.

JOHN JENSON reminded us we still need more workers at the Kohl Center refreshment stand. We have one of the best locations, and make a share of the profits proportional to our Club’s share of the workers. A chance to help raise money, work with other Lions, and have some fun at the same time. See our web site to sign up, or, if not computer-literate, see SCOTT GROVER. JIM BRADLEY, speaking for Holiday Treat Sale Chairperson LINDA BERGREN, pointed out that 11 out of 13 items on the sale menu were not fruit cakes. He also said that items on the vendor list, but not on our order blanks, can be obtained but must be in case lots. LINDA needs our orders by the next meeting. PHIL STOWITTS has about 7 or 8 Bucky Books left. A great bargain at $35 for golfers and those who (or whose spouses) like to eat out. Our Club makes about $13 on each one we sell. Get ‘em from PHIL.

Our speaker from the Red Cross turned out to be Jane Richardson, Dir. Of Marketing and Communications. She told us a great deal about Red Cross history, founded by a Swiss, Henri Dunant, in1863, and in the US by Clara Barton in 1881. They work nationally and internationally, responding to everything from house fires to massive earthquakes over large areas, aiding disaster victims with basic needs of shelter, food and clothing. Two years ago, 27 tornadoes in Wisconsin heavily damaged the Stoughton and Viola areas, but that record disaster was topped by this year’s floods in Wis. and Minn. Hurricane Katrina affected 90,000 square miles and drew 245,000 volunteers including some from Dane County. Red Cross offers training classes in health, safety and first aid, and trains its own staff and volunteers to run shelters, counsel, and assist disaster victims. There are 1 million volunteers nationally and 600 here. You can help - donate time, money and/or blood.

Red Cross web links:
Disaster Services and Safety Training
Blood Donation and Drive Information
American Red Cross