December 19 is our last meeting for 2006, and the speaker will be our District Governor, ROB SHERMAN. He will bring us the latest news from Lions International, and Region Chairperson JODI says there are some membership ideas in the pipeline as well. The DG covers the whole district in the course of his year, and is part of the necessary infrastructure that makes Lions the largest service club in the world. His extensive experience in Lion service makes him a valuable resource in understanding what we do on larger stages than just our own club. JODI BURMESTER is the Program Host. Note that the meeting after that will be on January 2, 2007 - the first working day of the new year. Got to get off to a fast start!
TaleTwister's Jackpot
Our last meeting started off with the program of music from the McFarland Brass Quintet, as they treated us to a string of familiar carols and holiday music. Very enjoyable, and one of the advantages of brass instruments is that they are harder to drown out with thoughtless conversation. Should have put us all in a holiday mood, though. Pres. SAL led the Pledge, JIM SCHUTZ led the song, and the indomitable Archbishop BOB improvised an invocation. DALE MUELLER was resplendent in his Christmas tie.
We had some guests. Jan Cichocki, a Registered Investment Advisor for the Gannett Group, and soon to be our newest member; Evelyn Festge, with OTTO; and PDG HAROLD NAGLER and BOB GARTZKE from the Beaver Dam Club, bearing citrus. Wendy Wright and Sandy Leslie from the Lions Eye Bank were also visiting. The TT’s pot is up to $869.00 — serious money. DON NEVIASER had the lucky ticket, but not the lucky card, and he said something about “regifted” when he saw the special prize — Santa shorts.
Part of the holiday is our bell-ringing service for the Salvation Army. Head Quasimodo, Archbishop BOB (who apparently didn’t notice that he was called a British battleship again last week) BOHN attempted to read the signup schedule but didn’t have the right one with him. He did promptly supply it to the editor, though, and we ring at West Towne Mall (south end, near Sears and Dalton Books) on Wednesday December 20, the day after our next meeting. Scheduled Lions are: 8 to 10 AM, BOB BOHN and DALE MUELLER; 10 AM to noon, SCOTT GROVER and CHUCK BASFORD; noon to 2 PM, PHIL INGWELL and JERRY MILLER; 2 to 4 PM, LOUISE FRITZ and DON NEVIASER; 4 to 6 PM, HAL OTTERBACK and TERRY SCHAR; 6 to 8 PM, JIM SCHUTZ and SAL AL-ASHKAR.
JODI BURMESTER was substitute Head Fruit Cake, and distributed more of our Holiday Nuts & Cakes. If you haven’t gotten yours, call LINDA BERGREN and find a way. There is some surplus product available, because of the necessity of case-lot purchase, so LINDA needs to have us help out and sell or use those goodies. Last year she had malted milk balls longer than Elsie the Borden Cow, so let’s get them moved out! Speaking of food, the Edgewater set a record last week — there were six different items in the mixed vegetables. Something for everyone.
There were some recognitions: Pres. SAL named JIM KEMMETER as the “Lion of the Week” for his work as dispatcher for our Eye Bank Courier project. JIM does whatever it takes to get these precious cargoes delivered, at all hours of the day or night. An outstanding example of Lion service in action — congratulations and “thank you,” JIM. Also, WALT PRIDHAM received a 25 Year Monarch certificate from Zone Chairman/Club Secretary JOHN JENSON.
Pres. SAL broke the news that our weekly luncheon cost was going up to $10.25. But, we also had a Treasurer’s report from MELISSA ABBOTT that showed our operating budget in decent shape again for the first half of the year. Our Service Funds, though still ample, are not doing quite as well — receipts are off a bit from the original balanced budget. Along that line, CHUCK BASFORD desperately needs more help at the Kohl Center Dec.13/16/23/27 and Jan. 6. Help him raise some money — call him. Or check the volunteer schedule to find the open date of your choice, and then use the handy volunteer form to add your name to the list. This is an excellent way to be able to work with Lions from other clubs, all serving a common goal.
In this month’s Lion Magazine (from LCI) there is a quote from the editor’s favorite author, Sir Winston Churchill
— “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” —
That’s a good description of Lionism.
From the BULLetin staff: Editor TERRY, Emeritus Editor & Consultant HAL, Web Publisher SCOTT: