Speakers for our next meeting (Oct. 3,) will be Lions Dr. Guillermo “Gil” DeVenecia and Lion “Doc” Esser. The subject will be Dr. Gil’s missions to the Philippines, to bring eye care to those in need. This is a longstanding project of our District 27D-1, as Dr. Gil, an ophthalmologist, travels to the islands each year, at his own expense, to teach and operate. The District supports him with supplies and volunteers. It is our Lion service in action - come and hear about it. JODI BURMESTER is the Program Host.
TaleTwister's Jackpot
At our last meeting, Pres SAL opened with the Pledge, JIM SCHUTZ led the song, and PHIL INGWELL gave the invocation. His cell phone rang just as he finished, but we’re not sure if that was a comment from On High or not. Pres. SAL reported that he and VP DON NEVIASER had attended the US-Canada Forum, and as in every case when someone from our Club attends, they came away very impressed with the format, content and presenters. Lions came from literally all over the world, and the camaraderie was impressive.
LINDA BERGREN introduced two guests, her assistant Eric Herling, and Bill Santner, a realtor with First Weber.
PHIL INGWELL has Madison-Monona Lioness Club gift wrap for sale. Funds are raised for our affiliate club, which won “Best Lioness Club” worldwide at the recent International Convention. See PHIL to help them out. PHIL STOWITTS has Bucky Books for sale, which benefit our Club, and this year the $35.00 is all profit, because we paid for them last year. Get yours now!
Past President JIM SCHUTZ was presented a 25-Year Monarch Certificate by Sec./Zone Chairman JOHN JENSON, recognizing his years of Lion service.
LINDA BERGREN introduced our speaker, Mike George, of the Department Of Public Instruction, who told us about his trip to China as part of a delegation of US educators. He showed a number of interesting pictures, including music and dance performances by schoolchildren, some of whom had come nearly 1000 miles to perform for the visitors. He noted that there are 1.4 billion people in China, 230 million of whom are in school. They start teaching English to all students in the third grade. By contrast, there are 27,000 students in the US taking Chinese. The most noticeable aspect of China was simply the large numbers of people. Cars are now more visible than bikes, and pollution is noticeable. He was an anomaly, because there are no beards in China. 95% of the teachers are women. He visited the city of Harbin, in Heilongjiang Province, which is a “sister province” to Wisconsin. The weather is similar, and it produces many dairy products. The reception was friendly, and there was little police or military presence visible. Physical fitness is a priority, and there are many outdoor “exercise parks.” He wanted to try some Tai Chi, but gave it up because the regular participants had swords. China has a 10 ½ month school year, larger classes, and a test in the senior year of high school determines whether the student goes on to college, to trade school, or directly to work. China is a disciplined society, and has a sense of history as important (they have over 2,000 years of recorded history) and a tradition of honoring elders. This was an interesting and informative program, and if you weren’t there you blew it!
Make sure Awards Night, Tuesday, Oct. 24, is on your calendar. Spice (plural of spouse), significant others, prospective members are all welcome as guests. Probably about 5 or 5:30 PM at the Edgewater. Tuesday, Nov. 7, we make our annual visit to Beth El Temple, and there is a good program on schedule for that one.
STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION: Publication Title: LIONS TALE. Publication Number 010-767. Filing Date: 9/22/06,issued Bi-Weekly. Price $12.00. Complete Mailing Address of known office of publication: 2523 Targhee St.,Madison, WI 53711. Editor, Walter F. Schar, 6406 Landfall Dr. Madison, WI 53705 (608)238-3284.Complete mailing address of General Business Office, 2523 Targhee St, Madison, WI 53711. Full name and complete mailing address of Publisher, John Jenson, 2523 Targhee St. Madison, WI 53711. Owner, Madison Central Lions Club, 2523 Targhee St, Madison, WI 53711. No Mortgagees or Security Holders. Madison Central Lions Club is a non-profit organization and its tax status has not changed in the past 12 months. Publication Title is the LIONS TALE: Issue date for circulation data is Sept.22, 2006. The first figure is for average number of copies per week for the past 12 months, second is for Sept. 22, 2006 issue. Total number of copies, 34 and 27. Paid or requested copies outside county, 2 and 2. Paid in-county subscriptions, 32 and 25. Total free distribution outside the mail,0 and 0.Total free distribution 0 and 0. Total distribution 34 and 27. Copies not distributed 0 and 0. Total 34 and 27. Percent paid or requested circulation: 100% Printed 9/22/06. Signature of Editor /s/ Dated 9/22/06. Editor certifies that all information is true and complete to the best of his knowledge.