Speaker for our next meeting, Tuesday, July 18, will be Lion STEVE KNAPP, who will bring us up to date on the activities of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation and the new Lions Pride Campaign, which is raising money to insure the future financial security of Lions Camp. JODIE BURMESTER is the Program Host.
TaleTwister's Jackpot
The Edgewater wasn’t expecting us last Tuesday, but they scrambled admirably and no one went home hungry. It did delay things, tho, and threw off our new President SAL AL-ASHKAR’S schedule. So, we skipped the formal opening, and Pres. SAL started off by telling us what he hopes and believes we can accomplish in the next year and beyond. First and foremost is the goal of increasing our numbers by a net of 5 new Lions each year for the next 5 years, and 1 per year for the next five, to get back to the effectiveness we’ve had in the past. Our community is rich in people, and we need representation from all parts of it - men, women, Latinos, African-Americans - businesses and professions. Sponsors must stick with their new member to be sure that they join in, not just join up. Our membership is our most vital asset, and we must keep everyone meaningfully involved to retain our members. He passed around a sign-up sheet for everyone to agree to work toward these goals, and we all signed. Now we have to do it! SAL’s second priority is to rebuild our Committee structure, so that all of our members can participate in a way that they prefer. A tentative committee list was passed out - if you aren’t on it, pick an activity and get with the program! Not only do the committees do the work that makes our service possible, it is the way to spend time with fellow Lions and enjoy it. Every aspect of our operation, from the greeter at the door to the Lions who sell the flowers to the Treasurer who writes the checks, is necessary if we are to have an active Club and follow our motto - “We Serve!”
Weekly meetings will be for programs, information, and socializing. The business discussions will be primarily at Board of Directors meetings. Every member is welcome to attend the Board meetings, and can participate in the discussion of policy matters. He expects to make, and have others make, quarterly activity reports, and any major financial issues will be brought to the membership for a vote. He has a good plan - now we all have to join in to make it work.
The only guest was Samantha Carothers, granddaughter of SCOTT GROVER. A good start, but we may have to wait a few years to welcome her as a member. Bring your prospective member to a meeting as a guest - the Club will pay for their lunch. Two times, if that’s what it takes.
Secretary JOHN JENSON presented the Past President’s pin and framed certificate to PP CHUCK BASFORD, in appreciation of the time and effort he put in to the last year. CHUCK led the Club through some difficult times and decisions, revising our meeting schedule, restoring our operating budget to solvency, increasing our Internet presence, and bringing some new fundraisers into being, for all of which he deserves our thanks.
Pres. SAL and TailTwister ROSS ROYSTER cooperated in the revival of an honored Madison Central Club tradition, the Lion Of The Week award, given to a Lion who, as SAL put it, “goes the extra mile”. The medallion went to SCOTT GROVER, for his work in establishing and maintaining our web site.
DON NEVIASER reminded us that the Service Club Olympics are imminent, and we could use more participants. Whatever your game is, check with DON for a chance to play it for the honor of MCLC. Past Pres. CHUCK reported that we had been offered the chance to operate a Camp Randall refreshment stand for the football season. If we can find the Lionpower, we can raise even more money than the basketball stand does. We’ll need the help of other clubs too, but if you can work even one or two games, talk to CHUCK! MICHELLE VETTERKIND ran the Lion Birthday celebration for Pres. SAL, 12 years, MICHELLE, 14 years, GREG MILLER, 25 years, JIM SCHUTZ, 25 years, JIM KEMMETER, 26 years, and WARREN RANDY, 38 years. The gifts were won by MELISSA ABBOTT, LINDA BERGREN, PHIL INGWELL, THAYER BURNHAM, and JOHN JENSON.
DICK POMO was our speaker, and he reminded us that the Lion work to restore vision was valuable, but we should not forget “the restoration of life” - helping those with impaired vision continue many of their activities. DICK is still an active golfer, as our TV showed, and he told us how important it was to be able to continue to do something you loved. He pointed out that it was a team sport - the blind golfer had to have a coach- and showed us a video from the US Blind Golf Assn. DICK says it “widens the world” of the blind golfer, to be able to play the game, talk, and socialize - all things that they thought they had lost. They can do it because others volunteer their time as coaches. Good program.