Our next meeting, June 20, will be headlined by the installation of our new Club officers for the next Lion year. We will also hear some reports on our finances and our major fund raising and service projects. We need everyone at the meeting to hear what’s been going on. It is also your chance to buttonhole the new Vice Presidents and let them know what committees you’d like to serve on.
TaleTwister's Jackpot
At our last meeting, Pres. CHUCK stuck to the old order of business, with OTTO leading the song and LINDA BERGREN giving the invocation. PHIL INGWELL was back from his enforced rest, with three new stents in his pipes to keep him going, and the editor had ditched his cast and crutches to lead the line at the food table. NOTE - many thanks to SCOTT GROVER, who kept the Tale coming while the editor was laid up, assisting both with content and mailing. Proves once again that no one is indispensable. The TT continued to drain our pockets, but once again, no big winner. JOHN JENSON had the right ticket, but the wrong card.
We had two guests - Eric Herling, LINDA BERGS’S assistant, was introduced by LINDA, and current Zone Chairman BOB IRVINE, of Madison West Lions, was visiting, and he brought our Club a check for $477.00. It came from commissions on advertising sales for the program of the recent District Convention, and it is reliably reported that most, if not all, of it was the work of JODI BURMESTER. Great job, JODI!!
JIM SCHUTZ has relocated just so he can walk to our meetings. He is now Senior Financial Advisor and Branch Manager for Statehouse Investments LLC, with offices at 22 E. Mifflin St., Suite 300, Madison, 53703. Phone 608-316-1261, fax 608-316-1267.
HAL OTTERBACK was presented a Membership Key Award by Secretary JOHN JENSON, for having brought two new members into the Club. Another deserved honor for HAL.
DON NEVIASER reminded us to sign up and participate in the Service Club Olympics, and also reported that the date for the annual Service Club Luncheon will be November 15. Put it on your calendar.
The Board of Directors, both old and new members, will meet Tuesday evening, June 20, at DON NEVIASER’S home, and it sounds as though JERRY MILLER will be bringing the dinner. Time around 6:30 PM, delayed a bit to accommodate a couple of alleged golfers in the group.
Lions Day at Lions Camp at Rosholt will be Sunday, July 23. On that day the Camp is open for touring by Lions and other visitors, and a barbequed chicken lunch is served. You need to reserve lunch in advance, but if you haven’t seen your Camp in the last couple years you should go, because there have been some great improvements. You will come away with your Lion vision restored, because we do great things for the campers there.
Thursday, July 13, will be Service Club Night at the Madison Mallards game. A chance to see a game, have supper at the Duck Pond (w/beer, $14.00, w/soda, $11.50) and visit with other service club members. Pres. CHUCK has information.
We are at the end of our Lion year. To keep our finances current, Treasurer MELISSA ABBOTT requests that all dues be paid and all sales money from Rose Day or older sources be turned in immediately. Thank you!
Pres. CHUCK reminded us of Lion Dewey Carl’s offer to match the contribution of the first Club to pledge at least $1,000 for each of its members to the Lions Pride campaign, which seeks to raise a sufficient endowment to fund operation of Lions Camp for the foreseeable future. If you are looking for a good tax deduction, here’s your chance.
LINDA BERGREN introduced our speaker, Laura Jennings from Hospice Care. Laura told us about the work they do with and for people in the last six months of life. They provide a “Circle of Care" with nurses, social workers, counselors and chaplains, and work with the patient’s doctor and family to help meet patients’ goals for the time they have left. Presently they have an 18-bed facility, and much of their work is done at patients’ homes, but they are planning a new building to enable them to serve about 50 more. Most patients are at their facility from 5 to 40 days, and Medicare pays much of the cost.