TaleTwister's Jackpot
Next meeting - May 16 - Two (not little) Green Men: Lions Sparky Watts and Jim Bradley will talk about their interest, learning and activities in sustainability. Going "Green" is a common subject in the popular press today; with gas prices rising the interest is growing. What is sustainability all about, does it matter, and what can we do personally to be more "green?" "Lions in action…learning and living green."
We will also be celebrating the following Lion birthdays:
TOM STEVENS (3 years), DAVE MIES (10 years), MARILYN STAUTER (11 years), SPARKY WATTS (11 years), JERRY MILLER (17 years), PHIL STOWITTS (19 years), KEVIN KING (24 years), STEVE BRIGGS (25 years), DAN STOUDT (35 years), BOB BOHN (37 years), and TERRY SCHAR (47 years).
President CHUCK started this meeting by routing several checks that he received from the Sheboygan Lions Club. It seems that CHRIS WILZ rolled up to 4th in the recent Lions bowling tournament, so there was a check for $80. LINDA BERGREN also had a check in her name. And MCLC received a check! The personal checks were delivered to TailTwister ROSS ROYSTER for later delivery, and the club check was delivered to Treasurer MELISSA ABBOTT for deposit. CHUCK also told of a gumball check for almost $2000! This brings our total to over $145K. This is a consistent fund-raiser for us, and if you know of an establishment that would like to have a gumball machine live with them, let CHUCK know, and he will pass along that information to the company.
ROSS did his TailTwister thing, and had JIM BRADLEY select a winning ticket. STEVE BRIGGS won, but did not find the Joker, so the TT Pot grows.
ROSS was called back to the podium, not in his TT capacity, but to induct two new members. MICHELLE LONERGAN was accompanied by JOHN JENSON (standing in for sponsor DON NEVIASER), and DEBBIE MEYER by sponsor SAL AL-ASHKAR. ROSS told our inductees some of the wonders of Lionism, and swore them in as members. MICHELLE said that she works for Park Bank, and in fact has been working in banking for twenty years (obviously in violation of child labor laws). She confided that she was also a Kiwanian. She and her husband recently moved to Madison to be closer to her step-children, and she told us that there was an eight-month old also at home. It was noted that our first woman member, ALISON ROWLAND, was from Park Bank. DEBBIE MEYER works for Joyce-Ryan Funeral Home, and received a bachelors degree and an associate degree from UW-Milwaukee. She is currently working on a degree in mortuary science.
Before leaving the front of the room, JOHN JENSON announced that he had a twenty-five year pin for ROSS.
MELISSA NOVINSKI told us that we appeared to be in the black with Roses, and if anyone would like to send money, they may send it to her work address (Director of Sales Support, Target Commercial Interiors, 1020 John Nolen Dr., Madison, WI 53713) (see Directory). CHUCK added that he delivered the unsold flowers to Oakwood Village.
CHUCK introduced today's speaker, MELISSA ABBOTT, who talked about estate planning. She gave us a brief run-down on wills, estate taxes, revocable trusts, power of attorney for health care, and living wills. Best to plan ahead and take care of this before it's too late. After all, as Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day."