TaleTwister's Jackpot
N>ext luncheon meeting will be April 18, and our speaker will be Arthur Ross, City of Madison Pedestrian/Bicycle Coordinator.
It's always re-inspiring to be present at a new member induction. Reminds us of exactly why we are Lions. Today, PHIL INGWELL worked his speaker's magic and formally inducted JOE FULLER. JOE lives in Fitchburg with his partner Lori, works for Master Graphics, and has a thriving internet business (he is an online cigar purveyor). Sponsored by CHUCK BASFORD, JOE was first approached to be a Lion in 1989, and the time and the place finally came together. Just goes to show, keep asking those pals, and don't give up.
Tale Twister ROSS ROYSTER spiced up the 50-50 Raffle with some extra gifts. In addition to the chance to draw the Joker for the big pot, today's winner also took home a District D1 folder (advertised as new and unused), a surprise Christmas present, and a familiar pair of bottles of mixer left on the table from last week. PHIL STOWITTS was the winner, but did not find the Joker. Song Meister OTTO FESTE encouraged us to sing a different tune (the tune was fine, but apparently not everyone knew the words), and LINDA BERGREN provided a thoughtful and timely invocation.
We had guests aplenty. SAL AL-ASHKAR introduced Debbie Meyer, who came ready to go with completed application and check in hand. Our speaker Carol Madrzak brought her husband Dick, and LINDA brought her mom Lois. (Your interim editor thought for a moment that Lois didn't have a name, but LINDA finally told us.) And our good friend DENNIS URECHE from McFarland Lions Club showed up once again.
DAN STOUDT did the Rose Day announcement honors (DON appears to be cruising in some undisclosed ocean somewhere). DAN reminded us that Rose Day is our biggest fund-raiser, and we were advised to pick up more order forms on our way out today. The completed order forms can be turned in at three locations - DAN STOUDT (1 E. Spyglass), MELISSA NOVINSKI (Target Interiors, John Nolen Drive near the Sheraton), or CHRIS WILZ (M&I Bank on Monona Drive.), but feel free to call them if you need to. The orders must be turned in no later than 4:00pm on Friday, April 21. The Rose Committee will be calling everyone to get an estimate of orders, since we would like to not have a sizable overage. DAN admonished us to provide flowers for your administrative assistant, your wife, your girlfriend, or all three. President CHUCK reminded us that there is an online order form that works.
President CHUCK presented a plaque to Past President LINDA, in appreciation for our generous contributions to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation during 2004-2005. President CHUCK thought it appropriate that the then-President be able to keep the plaque.
JOHN JENSON announced the election results. For 2006-2007, our President will be SAL AL-ASHKAR, 1st Vice-President will be DON NEVIASER, 2nd Vice President will be CHRIS WILZ, Secretary will be JOHN JENSON, Treasurer will be MELISSA ABBOTT, Tale Twister will be ROSS ROYSTER, the Membership Director will be LINDA BERGREN, and our new Directors will be TOM STEVENS, JIM BRADLEY, and SPARKY WATTS. JOHN put in a plug for leadership training.
LINDA introduced today's speaker, Carole Madrzak. Carole is an aerobics instructor at Cherokee, and a published author. She put us all to work immediately, having us do deep breathing exercises, glut stretching, and balancing exercises. She recommends that we use our time wisely, noting that we can brush our teeth while standing on one leg, one minute for the right leg, and one minute for the left leg. This will help keep our muscles in tone. She had us hold our navel to our spine (you had to be there). She demonstrated using a exercise ball, lifting one leg and both arms, bouncing up and down. She was successful in getting LINDA and JIM BRADLEY to help her demonstrate. We all continued to benefit, standing and using our chair as a barre, doing leg lifts and stretches. We then sat on the edge of our chairs, but no rest. We marched our feet and pumped our arms. She concluded by reminding us all to focus our mind and our body, and gave us a Cherokee handout.
Finally, President CHUCK told us to SELL ROSES, and announced that MCLC, along with McFarland and West, made 19 transports for the Lions Eye Bank in March. That was about the same number as last year, but we've been assured that more eyes go with each transport, so we're more efficient.
Your regular editor is laid up with a broken ankle. Many thanks to SCOTT GROVER, Interim Editor, for this issue of the Lions Tale. Talent always rises to the need! Editor Terry