OK, let’s try this again. We are now on our new meeting schedule, twice a month, on the first and third Tuesdays. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 20. Board of Directors also meets that night, 6 PM, at the Doubletree. The part in the second paragraph of last week’s print edition of the Lions Tale about computers enabling us to make mistakes with lightning speed has now been proven. However, the Editor now knows he has at least three faithful readers of the internet version as well as the print version, because he heard from all of them. Sorry about that.

The next meeting will feature the celebration of Lion Birthdays, led by MICHELLE VETTERKIND if we’re lucky, of MELISSA ABBOTT, ART TAGGART, GLENN SCHAEFER, DALE MUELLER and ED NEESE. Celebrants please bring a small gift for the drawing.

The other main subject of the next meeting will be the kickoff of our Fall Sports Raffle. DON NEVIASER is in charge of this one, and he will spell out the great prizes (sports tickets and cash, we know that much) and the ticket pricing. These should be an easy sale - cash appeals to everyone, and Badger and Packer tickets to just about everyone.

Our last meeting was held on the Edgewater Pier, in beautiful warm weather. Being somehow the recipient of special information, SCOTT GROVER reported that TailTwister ROSS ROYSTER had planned a dramatic arrival by boat, but had been captured by pirates, who demanded a large ransom be raised or they would return the TT. Apparently the messenger brought the Lion Bank, because SCOTT produced it and did his best to satisfy the demands of the “pirates.” We fear he didn’t get enough, or else the TT has somehow made a dramatic escape, and he will no doubt reappear at the next meeting.

President CHUCK BASFORD opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, LINDA BERGREN led the song, and “Archbishop” (there, now) BOB BOHN gave a timely invocation on behalf of the victims of Hurricane Katrina. President CHUCK repeated the appeals for help from the Lions Clubs International Foundation — they have already committed a quarter million $USD to relief for this disaster, and more will follow. We all need to help — you can write a check to Madison Central Lions Club Foundation and give it to Treasurer MELISSA ABBOTT and the Club will in turn forward all donations received to LCIF. Or you can mail your check directly to: LCIF, 300 W. 22nd Street, Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842. Be sure to indicate on your check that it is for “Hurricane Katrina Relief”. A lot of people need our help.

Phil Ingwell’s older brother passed away last week. . There was also a recent report of the death of Ruth Gardner Reese, wife of our Club’s Past President BERNIE REESE, in Arizona. Our sympathy goes to Phil and his family, and to the Reese and Gardner families.

There will be a Diabetes Association. fund raising Walk on October 2, and they could use volunteers to assist the walkers. SAL AL-ASHKAR is our Diabetes Chairman - see him or President CHUCK BASFORD if you can help out. We serve a lot of diabetic children at Lions Camp.

JODI BURMESTER introduced our speaker, George Dreckman, head of the recycling and refuse pickup programs for the City of Madison, who told us about the changes to come, starting next week when the new recycling carts go into use. They will save the City money on employee time and injuries, and enable the use of a single type of truck rather than the two now in use. Additional items such as office paper, junk mail, boxboard and all kinds of plastic bottles (except motor oil) can now be recycled, and everything goes in the cart, loose. No more bundles, bags, etc. It’s a good time for the change, because the market prices for recycled material are high, mostly because there is now an international demand from growing economies in Asia. 37% of the construction cranes now in use are in China, and India has the largest middle-class population in the world, and all of these people are able to buy things as fast as the world’s factories can make them. Raw materials are in high demand.

Future Luncheon Schedule:

or see our Calendar.


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