Two Tuesdays in a row, this time - Next Tuesday, July 19, we will hear someone from the UW Space Place, and they'll tell us about their new facility. A lot of interesting programs were presented at the old one, and there should be more and better coming from their new location. Another opportunity to find out about interesting things to see and do right here in Madison.
Another important part of the program will be the celebration of June- July Lion Birthdays. If you joined in one of those months, please come prepared with a small gift for the drawing. If you didn't, come prepared for a chance at a small goodie, and the opportunity to applaud the years of Lion service that the celebrants have given our Club and community. MICHELLE VETTERKIND is in charge, and if your birthday falls in this group you should have heard from her by now.
At the last meeting, TT ROSS ROYSTER eased into the job by first asking for the Lion handshake, then denying all suggested moves, fining everybody, and then bailing out with the excuse that Lions don't have hands, they have paws. Must be one of the all-time flimsiest excuses on record. This TT will go far. SCOTT GROVER did note that our Club now had its own secret gesture for this year, and with that he pulled out a cap and put it on. Have to make the new Prez feel at home.
We had OTTERBACK, but we didn't have OTTO back, so when President CHUCK BASFORD opened the meeting, LINDA BERGREN was called back to lead the song. She said OTTO had told her to use a two-armed technique, so she tried it and it seemed to work. LINDA also gave the invocation.
President CHUCK noted that there were no guests, and reminded us all that we should be inviting our friends, neighbors, co-workers, whoever, to have lunch with us at one of our meetings. That's one good way to introduce people to Lions, and lead them to membership.
Past President LINDA BERGREN reported that we had put a Madison family in touch with Lions Camp and their child had been accepted for the session starting next week. As both parents are legally blind, the kid needed a ride to Camp, and before she finished JONATHAN WINSKI had volunteered! Lion service in action.
It was reported that Past President JIM BRADLEY had been hit by a car while cycling on his vacation last week. Some serious injuries, and he now has some extra hardware in his hip to set off the airport alarms, but he hopes to be out of the hospital and back home in about a week. We all hope he'll be back on his feet and back with us soon!
PID PHIL INGWELL reported on the International Convention in Hong Kong, which he attended. He said the weather was hot, humid and wet, but he's been there before so he expected that. There were about 15,000 registrants at the Convention, 42 of them from Wisconsin. From his term as International Director, PHIL has friends from all over the world, and so each Convention is a kind of reunion. Wisconsin's candidate for International Director, WAYNE HEIMAN from Manawa, was elected to a two-year term. ASHOK MEHTA of India is the new International President. Enjoy the next two years, because the new 2nd VP has four names, totaling 37 letters. Have to see if anyone can remember, let alone pronounce, that one. The next two International Conventions are in New Orleans and Chicago, and everyone should plan to attend at least one. You will come away impressed with the international extent of Lion service and re-enthused about your part in it.
Our new Vice District Governor, ROB SHERMAN, was visiting our Club but declined an invitation to speak. He'll get another shot later.
DON NEVIASER attempted to recruit some more members for the Service Club Olympics July 25 and 26. Chaos and anarchy would be good descriptions of what followed. Hopefully, we will be there in enough numbers to compete.
Our apprehensions proved true, as our State Patrol speaker could not come because of his injuries. We'll hear from him, or another representative, at a future date. President CHUCK filled the void with comments on our future twice-a-month schedule, and a reminder that our Calendar and Directory, among other things, are linked to the BULLetin page here on our website.