We meet at the Edgewater as usual next week, June 14. Allen Fitchen of the Madison Audubon Society will be the speaker, talking about “Birds and Birding Around Madison.” If you even have a backyard feeder you see some interesting birds, especially during migration seasons, but there are a lot more to see in the area if you know where to look, and hopefully that is one of the things we will find out. JODI BURMESTER is the Program Host.
ORVILLE SHETNEY passed away last weekend. We have lost a good friend and a world-class accompanist, and our singing may never be as good again. ORV kept us on pitch and covered up our mistakes for many years as a member, and even before he formally joined, OTTO FESTGE used to bring him as a guest to provide the piano music at our big meetings. Madison Central was well represented at the visitation and funeral.
We will have our regular meeting on June 14, and on June 28 we will install our officers and directors for the new Lion year. No meeting at all on June 21. In July, we will meet on the 12th and the 19th, consecutive dates made necessary by International Convention and the Service Club Olympics. Program for the 19th will be “What To Expect At The New UW Space Place.” August dates are the 9th and the 23rd (corrected). First meeting in September is September. 6. We still have to decide whether to resume meeting every week next fall, or go to twice a month. Let the Board members know how you feel.
Our Golf Outing went off more or less on schedule last Tuesday. We know there were no casualties, a couple Lions shot near-record scores (because they only played 16 holes) and that it didn’t rain, for once. We believe it was hot enough to require frequent libations, which may have affected the scores.
Lions Day at Lions Camp at Rosholt, WI, is July 24. On that day the Camp will be open for touring, and a barbeque chicken lunch will be served. If you haven’t seen the Camp in the last 4-5 years, you should go. It is Lion service in action, and you will get your Lion batteries recharged. The lunch is about $7, sign up in advance, and it’s about a two-hour drive from Madison.
Or, you can go on the bus that the Verona Lions are planning. $29.00 round trip, including lunch. Reserve with Bob Irvine, 4934 Trempealeau Tr, phone (608) 833-2998. Or, since you are reading this on-line, birvine5@charter.net.
This BULLetin is being distributed to our internet readers (both of you) only, partly because there wasn’t a lot of news this week and partly because of a breakdown in the mailing process. Regular publication will resume after our next meeting. Presumably. If you happen to encounter one of our loyal Lions who you know doesn’t read e-mail, let them know about next Tuesday’s program.