Continuing our "Health and Fitness" theme, the speaker next week will be Carol Madrzak. She is a fitness and yoga instructor, and that's what she's going to tell us about. Your editor has seen pictures of yoga practitioners, and to him they fall in the "How do they do that?" category. Next week we may find out. If all of us aren't in better shape by Summer it won't be the fault of our Program Committee or our speakers -we're getting all kinds of helpful information. Don't miss it! LINDA BERGREN is the Program Host.
President LINDA BERGREN presided at the last meeting, and called upon OTTO FESTGE to lead the opening song, which he did at a tempo that would have made Mike Leckrone proud. We make fewer mistakes if we don't linger on the notes. TOM STEVENS gave the invocation. DON NEVIASER served as TailTwister, it cost the Editor a quarter as usual, no idea why. Probably better not to know.
We had two guests. CHUCK BASFORD brought Bill Swanson again, altho CHUCK must have trained to be a doctor, because you'd never know who his guest was from the "writing" on the card. Bill is joining us momentarily. DON NEVIASER brought Andy Struck, who is in the Human Resources dept. of UW Hospital. It's great to have guests at the meetings - keep it up! Surely you know someone who would enjoy the service and camaraderie they would find in Lion membership. Not to mention all the health tips!
President LINDA reminded Board members that there is a meeting next Tuesday night at 6 PM. It will be at the "Double Johnson's", apparently because the name change from Howard Johnson's to Doubletree Suites, or whatever, is in process at the moment. Same ‘ol place, whatever it says over the door.
We had a good sized delegation at the District Convention last weekend. Our Club got a plaque from the Wisconsin Lions Foundation recognizing the fact that we are one of their largest and most consistent donors. JODI BURMESTER was applauded, more than once. She received the International President's Certificate of Appreciation, and an award plaque from the District Governor, for her work at the Zone and District level. CHUCK BASFORD also received a District Governor's Certificate of Appreciation, which was delivered today, in recognition of the many contributions he has made in bringing Wisconsin Lions into the internet age. Our Club may not be as big as it once was, but we still make our presence known by what we, and our member Lions, do!
JODI BURMESTER reminded us that there is a Training Session for Vision Screening (not an actual screening) at the Albany Lions Clubhouse this Saturday. Here's your chance to learn how to perform this vital service. Call JODI if you'd like to go.
PHIL INGWELL gave a brief eulogy for long-time member HENRY TURVILLE, whose funeral was last week. HENRY was a Past President of our Club, a Past District Governor and a Past WLF Treasurer who, while his health permitted, put a lot of work into Lionism at Club and Multiple District levels.
The ink wasn't even dry on our new Directory when DAWN JOHANKNECHT moved. Her new home address: 4524 Shooting Star Ave., Middleton, WI 53562. Home phone 821-0033.
Our newest member, JONATHAN WINSKI, announced a service opportunity. He volunteers to give eye care and fit protective glasses for participants in Special Olympics. There are two upcoming sessions at which help is needed: April 2 in Oshkosh and in June in Stevens Point. JONATHAN says it's rewarding to work with the Special Olympians, who show the sportsmanship not always found in today's athletic competitions, and if you'd like to help contact him for more information.
President LINDA introduced our speaker, Dennis Hegge. Now a stockbroker with Morgan Stanley, he has been a trainer and weight lifting show manager, including one which was covered by a rookie sportscaster named Bob Costas. He started off by revealing his secret workout equipment - gallon orange juice bottles! You get two of them and fill them part way with water, increasing the amount as you gain strength. Maximum fill is 3/4, because the water sloshing around makes the weights unstable, and you improve your coordination by making the muscular adjustments needed to keep them steady. Gym equipment, weights and exercise machines are fine, but you can do many of the exercises just as well with the bottles. Lie on your back and lift your extended arms, stand and lift them overhead, do arm curls, lift arms out sideways from a relaxed position. Do deep knee bends with the weights at your side. He suggests three sets of 10 repetitions ("reps") for each exercise, with some rest between sets. You want to work all of the muscle groups in the body, especially the major muscles in your lower back, thighs and "glutes". (i.e. butt).