ROSS ROYSTER will be our speaker at the next meeting, and the title of his talk is "Feel Better, Look Better, Live Longer." ROSS has given us good advice before, and he is the first in the March series of programs on health and exercise. (The editor can still touch his toes, thanks to some stretching exercises in one of ROSS's earlier programs.) We all want what he's talking about, so come and find out how to do it.
LINDA BERGREN was back to open the meeting, and her first comment was "we've got OTTO back!" For a second your editor thought maybe HAL was going to showcase a new talent, but no, Lion FESTGE led the singing of "America." ALEX WONG gave an appropriate invocation - did the "Bishop" proud.
We had some guests. ROSS ROYSTER introduced Jonathan Winski, an optician at Shopko East. Apparently invited at least in part by HAL OTTERBACK, Jonathan is considering membership in our club. STAFFORD LANG, from the Mason Neck, Virginia Lions Club, was with us again. He's in Madison attending to family business - he has a house near Maple Bluff he'd like to rent, and if you know someone who might be interested, STAFFORD's cell phone number is 703-380-6892. And, of course, our old friend Neil Connor from Felly's, who brought along some beautiful sample flowers and provided expert knowledge for our flower sale.
We need a full-time TailTwister. Somebody was wearing a Bergstrom shirt, and got away with it.
CHUCK BASFORD reminded us that our Club is responsible for tissue transportation for the Eye Bank during the month of March. We usually go to Portage, Janesville, Johnson Creek or Westfield. JIM KEMMETER is our dispatcher. If you aren't on the list of volunteers, join in. It is a vital part of the Eye Bank process, not at all difficult and not too time-demanding. Volunteer to CHUCK or JIM.
DAN STOUDT led off the Rose Day Kickoff with some statistics from last year. 43 Lions participated in the sale, 9 of whom were new, and we had 33 out making deliveries, which is a huge help. DAN asked us to build on that enthusiasm for this year's sale. Basic information for this year's Rose Day:
- Prices are the same as last year - Roses $24.00 a dozen; carnations $18.00 for 18, vases $4.00.
- The distribution depot will be at Zimbrick on Fish Hatchery, same as last year.
- We make a slightly larger profit on roses than on carnations, reversing the old situation.
- Orders for club delivery must be turned in by the Friday before Rose Day, in order to have time to route the deliveries. If you get orders for delivery on that last weekend, arrange to deliver them yourself.
- The Club order goes in on April 6, and we must pay for all we order. So get your estimated sales in to the committee before that date. We want to maximize both sales and profits.
MELISSA NOVINSKI, Deputy Chairperson for Rose Day Finance, went over the Order Blank once again. Numbers of items and dollar extensions go at the top left. If you make a credit card sale, that info comes next. Obviously, get the card number right. Indicate whether Master or Visa, and be sure to get the expiration date right. Have the buyer sign, or if it is a phone sale, put the buyer's phone number at their billing address on the signature line. Your own phone number and your name go in the guarantee box in the middle. Mark the "Seller Delivery" or "Club Delivery" box. And if it is Club Delivery, GIVE COMPLETE AND CLEAR DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS!! Anything you can put down that makes the recipient easier to find, such as building names, floor and room numbers, apartment numbers, and/or driving directions for new or uncommon streets, will help the Lion delivery person get your flowers to the right place at the right time. This is particularly important in large commercial buildings. The "Special Message" box at lower right is intended for the buyer's use in sending their greeting to the recipient. Buyer's info goes in the paragraph at the lower left corner of the form.
Editor's Comment: PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM CAREFULLY AND COMPLETELY. We are all in this together, and the more information the committee has, the faster the flowers will get to the right place and the more money we will successfully take in. If your buyer has a very narrow time window for delivery, or some other unusual request, consider making that delivery yourself.
DAN auctioned off four beautiful sample bouquets brought by Neil. The successful, and generous, bidders were SAL AL-ASHKAR, ART TAGGART, our guest Jonathan Winski, and STEVE BRIGGS.